They got Googled.
They got Googled.
But it's all covered in sauce...looks like it would get everywhere. Kind of like eating lasagna with your fingers.
Question about that picture: how would you eat that? It looks like it would be a mess.
Check out Droid-life for instructions on installing on the VZW Nexus.
"my college porn, but haven't "touched it" in years, last time "I came across it" it was all "banged" up,"....
Not quite true. Adobe still tracks all of your smut. Go here to see how depraved you are: []
Kind of speaks of the nerd-ness around here- the guy forced people to have group sex, and the geeks are worried about what kind of hard drives he used.
It should be ICU
Are you just spouting off things to sound smart? It's not working.
They do, which make me suspect the article.
Crap...I'm running Deal or Be Millionaire on my Nexus (my son installed it). It's actually pretty fun. I haven't seen any of the symptoms mentioned above though.
Blackberry is like the Buick of smartphones. They're associated with grey haired businessmen.
These have been around for some time. I've had something similar installed for over a year now.
Now THIS is what I'm talking about. We need some cool super-hero vehicles like this. Bruce Wayne will be proud.
Murdoch bought MySpace for 2/3s of a BILLION dollars. He obviously is a sane, correct thinking individual.
Been playing for 25 years...I think I'll stick with my amp and pedals for sounds. Easier to turn them on and off on the fly.
Actually, I think I'm going to agree with him. Intel has always taken the brute force approach, where ARM has taken the "do more with less" approach. Brute force is only effective up to a point. ARM has a huge head start over Intel in this field, so they may never catch up.
WTF- What happened? Lycos isn't working anymore!