I'm going to do this with my penis and pretend I'm R2-D2.
I'm going to do this with my penis and pretend I'm R2-D2.
Did anyone else get a little turned on by that thing?
I can't eat kangaroo. It makes me jumpy.
I think he's surrounded by yes-men that make him feel he can fulfill any delusion that pops into his misguided brain. His career in general is a mystery to me. I'm not sure why he's famous...he has the same magic as Nickelback—-super successful yet I can't find a single person that will admit liking them.
The theory of everything will not be simple because it has proved to involve properties of the universe that we can not observe (possibly other dimensions too small to detect or we're not wired to see them).
ICS wasn't introduced on a device until 3 weeks ago, and it's on a SINGLE expensive device (Galaxy Nexus @ $299). No kidding it only has .6%...wait another two months.
LULZ...CD drives just started coming about around 1992, much less DVD drives.
Association marketing is powerful. It's how iHome became the largest peddler of Apple accessory crap.
If it was in Japan—- those weren't fireflies, those were radioactive regular flies.
You KNOW that's what it's going to turn into.
"I say Chancy, the GPS indicates there are a large number of black people ahead. Let us change course post haste!"
What about Samsung's $1600 price tag. Ugh.
Most of the 1% have family money from someone that struck it rich decades ago, who are then able to finance high pay off ventures for descendants.
I do this same thing, except I insist on delivering the product straight from the tap.
Facebook is popular because people went there to play games, their friends joined, and then everyone stayed around to talk.
Hey everyone! We have a new product! Come and check it out and....oh, it's back-ordered already.
The Letstalk.com deal is the way to go for upgraders. Got mine for$174.
Most people get around 300-400K on 3G. I'm scoring 12MB on my RAZR. I'm saying that any 3G phone is outdated from the start and nobody in their right mind is going to consider one.
LOL - nobody wants a crappy 3G Windows phone. If they could make an LTE handset with decent build quality, that would be different.
All guys with spikey hair that wear obscure band t-shirts are like this. Everyone knows this.