
Exactly. Any pure economic system is flawed and eventually destroys itself. The flaw of pure capitalism is it causes a few people to end up with all the resources. The game Monopoly is pure capitalism and the endgame is one person owns everything while everyone else is broke.

Capitalism needs to be kept in check with

An engineer once told me any job that involves six steps or less can be automated. As technology and AI advances, the number of steps increases. When we get to being able to automate jobs that are over 10 steps shit is going to hit the fan.

Agree with Brie Larson...tried watching Captain Marvel and she’s just so offputting. Not sure why. Same with Kristen Stewart. (BTW- there was a Reddit uproar about Larson’s feet, some saying they had to be blurred out of the movie from being so janked up. Google if you dare :D  She must be a runner or have terrible

People- it’s worth the price because not only can it handle your high-powered computing needs, but also:

They only had a blue filter available for the camera.

Dave Bautista is a Robert Downey Jr. level fit for Drax- he looks exactly like the character. He also plays one of my absolute favorite character types: the fish out of water. Bautista absolutely made Guardians 2. Dude is hilarious! 

Hottest object in the universe: YO’ MOM’S ASS

Why not just keep a battery powered FM radio in a drawer for the rare occasions that would happen.

In the meantime, you could just use iHeartRadio on your smart device.


Dave gave Jerry a kidney. Dave disappeared...did his kidney go with him?

I’m thinking people with organ transplants got screwed in the snap...

OK, let’s wrap it up here.

Kind of apprehensive about 5G. It just seems to half-baked and forced. They’re going to have to put up something like 10x more access points than 4G to get proper coverage, the signal strength seems shady...bringing up the prospect of cellular damage (no pun intended) in humans, and the frequencies used could disrupt

I, for one, am refusing to get on this tattoo bandwagon and keeping my canvas clean. 

IMHO Archer worked best when it was mainly an ambiguous 1960's spy movie parody. The characters worked very well in that. It started going off the rails when they lost the agency and started going into other businesses. The “arrogant hero/competent woman/ditzy office mates/wimpy manager/mad scientist” characters

I like to think I’m pretty knowledgeable about these things- you’d have to make significant modifications to the USB port on the outlet for it to transfer data. You would need some kind of board that could hold transfer software and a data connector, which would be very noticeable as there isn’t much room in an

This is the dumbest business model ever. Betting this place gets shut down for predatory lending within a year.

If you can’t afford your rent, is that suddenly going to go away in 3 months? 6 months? How are you going to pay your rent AND your loan payments when the loan money runs out?

The only situation I could see

I wonder if Picard ended up leaving Star Fleet because he found out the Borg were a failed SF experiment with AI that they lost control of...

I wonder if Picard ended up leaving Star Fleet because he found out the Borg were a failed SF experiment with AI that they lost control of...

I wonder if Picard ended up leaving Star Fleet because he found out the Borg were a failed SF experiment with AI that they lost control of...