

She’s not torpedoing her products. She’s playing along with jokes about them to show that he’s a good sport, in the hopes that people become less antagonistic about her and Goop. It’s sponsored content!

Ty went blatta blatta blatta on the keyboard while Yaphit sent the message. But he blattaed very bravely.

Not to mention the ‘cannabis edible’ Kelly ordered from the food replicator while on duty in the 1st season.

I guess we have a few possible options on the drinking thing. One is that everything is something like Star Trek’s synthahol, and the intoxicating effects are easily dismissed. Another is that treatments to rapidly nullify the effects of intoxicants are readily available. And I guess a third is that Gordon just drinks

I like the space booze convention, but not as much as I relish tranya. AH HA HA HA HA HA HA!

A very good point,  or it could be like coffee, or rubber, where it’s grown in several places.  Murphy’s Law seems to rule horticulture, in that while the stuff you don’t want will grow everywhere, the the stuff you do, you have to struggle to keep it alive.

Louise is going to run the family restaurant when she grows up & change the name to Louise’s Burgers

Two Righteous Individuals Performing Law Enforcement Directives Rapidly Against Gordon Our Nemesis.

“Yadda Yadda Dada- Jewish Surrealist Art Gallery” is still the champ.

I feel like every abomination in every movie/show begs to be killed. 

It’s a well known fact that SNL hasn’t been funny since whenever the person telling you about it was a kid.

I’m honestly taken aback by how weird this comment section became.

Alec Baldwin won a fucking Emmy for playing Trump, what part of this do people not understand...just think of it as The Big Bang Theory, those people who love it don’t stop existing just by people on this site saying “it sucks” a thousand times.

Yeah I wouldn’t say ‘milking it’, but now I kinda wish she hadn’t done it last week so it would have been a showstopper this week. 

This was definitely the same sort of line of thought I was having. I found myself wondering if by the end of the season there’d be a Union/Moclan war. Perhaps not that extreme, but almost certainly a breakdown in diplomatic ties.

Bortus and Klyden are just the worst couple, aren’t they? Bortus is cold and insensitive and Klyden is an awful, passive-aggressive nag. Have they ever been happy? The sad part is they remind me of several real-life married couples I’ve actually known.

‘Why not? More guys should be bi, it’s 2018, it’s like “get over yourselves”.’

> After an ill-conceived attempt to introduce spontaneity by presenting her with a cake at 3 o’ clock in the morning
3:14AM. Pi o’clock. 

I laughed out loud several times, and any time SNL can do that I’ve got to rate it highly. I really enjoyed this episode and thought it a good B+.