
Well, Michael’s flash of insight was that nobody could torture humans more effectively than othe humans; they’d drive EACH OTHER crazy. Mindy, in isolation, is at least spared that (we know she has mixed feelings about her periodic visitations by Eleanor and Chidi). Also, you have to remember that Michael’s experiment

Compared to butt-spiders, penis-flatters, nostril wasps, the twisting room, and everything else we’ve heard about, yeah, it’s medium.

Well, considering how bad the REAL Bad Place is supposed to be, that’s pretty Medium. Denial of pleasure is a far cry from actual experience of excruciating physical pain.

If YS maintains its popularity, we won’t need another spinoff; we’ll just see that in season 13 (or so) of “Young Sheldon."

I know it’s POSSIBLE for Old Sheldon to be more childish than Young Sheldon, but I’m not sold. He goes from an overly-adult child to an overly-childlike adult, which isn’t really what I’d call “emotional growth."

I like Ian Armitage and “Young Sheldon” well enough, but I’m not sold on the idea that “YS” Sheldon grows up to be “BBT” Sheldon. He can be smug enough, but he’s seldom rude enough or mean enough.


Our world & the MCU are both darker places without him.”

I beieve the people behind “Trivial Pursuit” were Canadians. From my perspective, it seemed like the Sports and Liesure category was unduly weighted to hockey knowledge. Fortunately, (1) I never played with anyone likely to know more about hockey than I did, and (2) if I just guessedGordie Howe” as the answer to any

That’s one of my favorite T Rex songs...

As points of commonality go, that’s a big one but a depressing one.

One of my most charming surprises in Australia was the fairy wrens; tiny little birds in a whole rainbow of bright colors, like candy come to life.


Eh, Axl has been promising “The Ambien-Hamster Mishap?” for so many years now that I just can’t work up the enthusiasm anymore.

[Duplicative of other responses; removed]

Yeah, HDS died a couple of years ago, which is why I said it was no longer an option. He would have been a good fit, though.

How many (if any) of their movies have you watched more than once? It took me at least five years and three viewings to fully enjoy “Lebowski” and I was disappointed in “O Brother” after my first viewing (it’s now one of my favorites by ANYBODY).

I don’t know who that is, but have an upvote.*

That line was Tina’s, not Linda’s, but your point is valid.

I’ve long wanted to see a modern take on (or deconstruction of) the Singing Cowboy picture. Ideally it would have starred Chris Isaak (although he’s aging out of the role), but the Coen Brothers (on the basis of “O Brother...,” specifically in its musical elements) were my top choice to helm it (music overseen by