
To me, “Thirsty Cops” seemed like a sketch that should have run in the last half hour of the show.

The original recording of “Bridge” had Artie doing lead vocal, but Paul Simon has been performing it well enough solo for 40 years. In fact, he did it solo in the SNL Classic episode that also aired last night. Yeah, I once read that listening to Paul Simon sing “Bridge Over Troubled Water” answers all questions about

Did anbody catch the lyrics of the end song? I tried replaying it multiple times but I could never make it out:

He’s my longest and most asbestos-filled employee.”

Presumably, she liquidated everything she had to get there. It’s possible, if you think of it as a one-time expense of $1,400 or whatever (probably less; it doesn’t look like she paid in advance for a return ticket). If you set your mind to doing that, you can do that. How she STAYS is another matter: Even an 18,000 AU

I only know “Crazy Ex-Girlfriend” from binging in on Netflix, and I’m kind of stunned to learn that there’s a new season. Ending with Rebecca in prison was just such a logical way to finish her story that I was convined that the last Season Finale was in fact the Series finale.

Probably not enough time would have passed (these were high school kids looking to study pre-law, not college kids looking to go to law school), but I like it. If nothing else, when the “Better Call Saul!” commercials started running, Kristy would have recognized him. “Hey, I KNOW that guy!”

I know this is too much to hope for, but I would personally love it if, at some point, it’s revealed that Kristy Esposito took Jimmy’s advice and busted her ass to become the best lawyer in New Mexico. It seemed like she was creeped out by Jimmy’s speech while he was delivering it, but in essence it was the same speech

Of course, I know a number of paralegals who ended up going to law school and becoming very good lawyers (but as you say, paralegal work is not, in itself, part of a legal education)...

Nah, the Frenchman would have wited until after the job was done, but the he would have featured the project in his sales pitch to future employers.

There have only been two, so “the better episode” would be grammatically correct.

Together they solve crimes!

So Tim Shaw’s race picks its leaders by teleporting them 500 galaxies away to a technologically primitive planet and having them kidnap a single unsuspecting human (not even a Schwarzenegger-type human), and the only rule is “no weapons?” And the guy STILL decides he has to cheat?

In what way? She left the show, whether it was her choice or the producers’ choice. Anyway, isn’t that even MORE analogous to the present to the present situation? Roseanne Barr didn’t choose to leave “Roseanne,” but she has left it, and the show is continuing under another (related) name. It may do well, and I hope

And those prices are probably AUSTRALIAN dollars, which are currently worth 71 cents in real money...

To be fair, in the original run he was a little boy, and probably cast more for cuteness than acting ability. Still, he had some fun moments.

That goes for most “wacky TV comedies” (and many dramas). I wouldn’t read too much into it.

Yeah, she did. Contract dispute, is my understanding. Nonetheless, it was a show built around her which continued, reasonably successfully, after she was no longer a part of it.

There were probably also populations that were precariously rebuilding following some other non-Thanos catastrophe, and losing half of their remaining number pushes the to extinction. I liked Infinity War well enough, but Thanos’s plan was idiotic.

You never know. Valerie Harper left “Valerie” after two seasons, but it survived another three as “Valerie’s Family,” “The Hogans,” and “The Hogan Family."