
FYI, for PowerPoint users, the "B" key is already assigned as a toggle key that blanks/unblanks the screen. If you're not near a keyboard, you'd have to find a way to map that to whatever remote you're using, but I figured I would mention it anyway. used to have the best ones! (Probably the source of your image above...)

Another Internet radio feed I like is the Chillout channel on It seems to me like the tracks on Chillout have fewer vocals than the tracks on Groove Salad, which is appealing to me when I just want some "background music" while I work. (Not that Groove Salad is a bad channel... it's just that I sometimes find

Thanks for keeping this series going. I really enjoyed this article, for the same reasons that commenter William Mize stated: informative answers telling both the What and the Why.

OK, I'll admit, I'm lazy and don't want to go spelunking through the articles, and would just rather have the TL;DR answer to this:

Another great entry in the series! Thanks for keeping these coming, Tessa.

Amen to that. Our family purchased a Blendtec for many of the reasons listed. While I balked at paying almost $400 for an appliance that resembles blenders that sell at department stores for under $20, I've been very satisfied with the performance and ease of use of the Blendtec.

Is there a convenient LH article somewhere in the archives that tells how to do this? Might be too late for my HTC One, but I'd at least like to know what I might be missing.

Decent advice on #1 and #2, but I don't think #3 is universally applicable. Some runners may need a shoe that's heavier than 9 oz. and/or has a different heel drop when they first get started. Speaking for myself, I've been running for 25 years, have a sub-3-hour marathon PR, and the right shoes for me (right now)

If you want to get started running, the VERY best thing you can do (speaking from the perspective of someone who has been a runner for over 25 years) is to get fitted for the proper type of shoes for your body/foot type and gait. The wrong type of shoes, or worn-out shoes, is one of the highest contributors to

"I should also note that outside of the 8 to 10 hours a day I work, my goals are very different: to be a great father and husband and friend and person. To be, in other words, deeply good in a manner that is thoughtful and real. And so I work hard to be friendly and supportive and caring and to enjoy life."

If I recall correctly, I think Nolan Bushnell might have said he uses an old Dell. But your point stands, the vast majority of these articles list Apple/Mac products.

Productivity, I think, isn't about the apps you use or the way you create a to-do list or some new gadget. (Though, that said, I read interviews like this all the time, hopeful they will reveal some new app or to-do list or gadget that will change my life.)

And along with that, Shift+F5 to start the presentation from the current slide.

One thing I don't like about the update: tweets seem to come in three text/font sizes - Medium, Large, or Extra Large. I prefer the smallest font size possible so I can see as much on the screen as possible at one time. I'm hoping they'll reinstate smaller text sizes in a later version.

Wow, dude. Who pissed in your Cheerios this morning?

Here are a few suggestions:

For ripping in multiple formats and bitrates, you may wish to look into Exact Audio Copy (

Exactly. I feel as though the greatest days of Winamp were the 2.xx versions. Beyond that it just tried too hard to be something it wasn't supposed to be.

Thanks for this article, Tessa and Greg.