
The guilt feels Catholic, but everything else, total Evangelical bullshit.

Dammit! I just had a good dinner. Now I want to hurl!

Letter From Jesus: tl;dr.

It’s not.

I despise conservative “values” as much as the next person. And the U.S. has a shameful record on how it treats its poor. But you can’t possibly believe that “most mothers are at or below the poverty line.”

Stewing with the oldies:

Rage stroke. An adopted child is 100 percent family. This is incest. What sick perv he is. I've got to go look this freak up.

Metallic acne. How can it miss?

Great gams, Hilary! Let these pictures be a reminder to you younguns: Many olds had a very hot day in the sun of beauty!

I am so late to this party, you probably won't see this, but here goes:

My sister, now in her late 50s, learned sidesaddle as well as riding astride. It wasn't uncommon at all in the 60s and 70s.

Sure, it’s snobbery. But it’s well-informed snobbery. I think that matters. To me, there really is a way things are done. So I guess I’m a snob as well, because I wouldn’t be caught dead in a lot of places the “rich” frequent. It may be an age thing, too. I was raised to believe that too many new things was a sign of

It helps to be 19 and really unsophisticated.

Do they still have midnight showings where people get high, dress up and throw things at the screen and recite dialogue? Because that’s what we did 35 years ago. I thought it had sort of faded.

Outside of the coasts and big cities, old dads are very frowned upon. By old, I mean a new baby at 50 or older. They are considered dirty old men if they're wives are much younger.

Absurd! My sister had two kids at 39 and then 41. Both are college grads now, healthy and just terrific. And my sister, in her mid-60s, is super healthy and thoroughly enjoying life.

Well, you’re luckier than I. I’m descended from slave owners. It’s so bad, a chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy is named after my great, great grandfather. Stop looking while you’re ahead. You never know what you'll find. It’s horrible when you find out you’re descended from racist assholes.

I agree. Because who wants to be a man anyway? All that weird dangly stuff.

When I was a young working mother, the idea of having all my choices seemingly sorted out for me sometimes seemed seductive. I was so overwhelmed. But, I was also pretty much content. (Motherhood is not horrible, no matter what you read on the internet. It’s not for everyone, but it’s pretty great. IF you want to be a