My boyfriend made me stay on the phone with him when he had to put a suppository in. We’re both normally very private about our bodily functions, so this is kind of how the conversation went.
My boyfriend made me stay on the phone with him when he had to put a suppository in. We’re both normally very private about our bodily functions, so this is kind of how the conversation went.
I can’t wait for the “she did good in the black community” crowd to migrate from Gawker to Jezebel.
Did she get a new PR rep? I used to hate her irrationally and lately, she’s growing on me. Accrediting it to personal growth (hers or mine) is too big of a stretch for my hateful, cynical persona.
Good job, Kim’s new PR rep. You get two thumbs up (and possibly an existence)!
Even IF the men were touching their wives’ pee... I mean who gives a fark?
True story: I was once visiting a friend in the Tenderloin district of San Francisco, and I was wearing a t-shirt with a picture of SpongeBob SquarePants. A crack(?)head came up to me and asked me why I was wearing a shirt with Jesus on it.
For peace of mind, I’d make it a point to never run an ultraviolet light over any used electronics. Those forward-facing cameras... they’ve seen some things, man...
True he's more like 4 of the best 5 by position
Yea, us Cavs fans are having a blast right now!
The Cavs have been outscored by 13 points in the 22 minutes he’s sat, and by 22 points in the 228 minutes he’s played. On a per-48 basis, that’s losing by 5 when he plays and 28 when he doesn’t.
That’s levitation, homes.
Well, he’s not the crown prince, his sister and his niece are ahead of him in line for the throne, He holds the same position as Princess Anne in the U.K. You don’t hear a lot about her, except for her patronage of equestrian events, really.
Don’t be silly: you can’t have a shock without a charge!
the truck is so enormous that you can’t see if there’s another equally massive truck heading the other way
I get that banning fake colleges is better for the game, but I’m going to miss watching UNC.
The best part of this story is that even Kate Moss flies EasyJet.
That cat is terrible. Why is it so moist?