
That eternal flame idea was a dumb one anyway. Why are we honoring the guy now? He’s been dead for decades.

Here’s a picture of the incident. Hacksaw Jonny Gomes lives!

The fans asked Howard to join in the game of catch, but he declined. When asked to elaborate on why he wouldn’t join in the fun, Howard explained that he makes a point of not making free throws.

I would imagine they don’t want to go up against the Pirates/Rockies game that night.

Or, you know...had them at all.

Bill Cosby: [reads headline]
Bill Cosby: [curses Gawker clickbait]

Well, part of it might have been that the guy he was “turned in” to is now serving 60 years for possessing child porn.

This is so ignorant and offensive.

I honestly think delladova is chop blocking on purpose

I’m laughing right now, because if I don’t, I will kill myself with the pizza wheel I just found in our bedroom for some reason (why?).

Illustrations or it didn’t happen!

What an idiot. He’s allowed to use his hands.

Yeah. They have good memories and can live for up to 30 years as opposed to dogs which only live for around 10.

I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand, I want it. On the other hand, it immediately struck me as the truck that the bad guy would drive in a Lifetime movie. So that leaves me torn. Why do I want to be the mean guy wearing an oil stained shirt? Why am I watching Lifetime movies?

I disagree. This shows car control, that the operator is aware as to the size of the car, placement, and how to safely reverse the car.

“I’d rather take a contested shot than an open shot any day .”

It’s funny because Jameis Winston is accused of raping a woman.

Now playing

Someone else who may also qualify as “Too Real”:

Well, to be fair there’s no real guarantee that they’ll do their jobs after someone dies either.