A Restaurant ?...Dude. What you need is a recording studio.
A Restaurant ?...Dude. What you need is a recording studio.
(Thanks to Max for sending this in.)
"An NBPA lawyer has brought it up as something the union plans to fight to overturn during the next round of labor negotiations in 2017."
I guess I have to question the rules when a guy who doesn't appear to do anything wrong as a casual observer somehow commits two penalties in three seconds to lose the match.
It's enough to make you think that weed isn't good for you.
I had a really good guy friend, and ended up living with his girlfriend when she was looking for a roommate (and I needed somewhere to live). BIG MISTAKE.
OK, I get that was a douche bag move by the officer. But what the fuck was the deal with the camera person. He speeds up in traffic to get his footage, then almost takes out both the biker and the cop (when the cop makes his douche bag move) while laying on the horn in the process. Then proceeds to stalk the cop…
The bike was evading. Should have pinned him enough to stop him. How is it today the criminals are now the victims?
"So, if you treat a baby factory like real people, it becomes a better baby factory?! Buh-b-but the Bible-the kitchen-(head explodes)"
Is he ok?
You're just running around saying senseless things. I hesitate to even call this trolling.
This is probably the best thing that could have happened to WBA. It was a red card offense anyway, but now the card will be rescinded and Macauley won't be suspended. I don't think that this is a reviewable offense (like violent conduct, etc.), so Dawson won't be suspended either. WBA avoids losing one of their top…
"Come on, Eileen!"
There has never been anything more intentionally sexual than makeup called "Underage Red" and "Lolita." Maybe she has little to nothing to do with the process besides saying "okay" and then promoting it, and I do believe she seems like the kind of person who has no idea what Lolita is actually about. Like, she…
*sniffles* (wipes away tear).
Oh my god my douche-o-meter can't handle this level of douche, brother. You broke it and should pay the damages to get it fixed.
So it should be "it?"