
For some people, being gay was just a phase of experimentation, and trying it made them realize they totally were not gay…..more common with college women.

Yes, and I like Abby's new relationship. Cyrus is always interesting….neutral on Lizzie bear….she doesn't bother me either way.

Women like powerful handsome men, even someone that is only an RVP like me…..well, not all but quite a few women like men with power and at least for her man to have 400k annually. IMO

He is a lot like your Kennedy, Nixon, and Clinton rolled in one cigar….and a number of our Chancellors. Politicians are smarmy, charismatic, hypocrites, womanizing, and at times effective.

Well, actually the storyline is not unbelievable….they are msking her like America's Hillary Clinton, who was senator, then Sect of State, and now democratic frontrunner for that ticket. Mellie is trying to be a Senator first and use that to piggyback to American president. I think this is how Shonda will keep from

Sorry, but when I read Adrian's rape comment, it was offensive to ME as a man.

I guess you have never met a true victim of rape huh?? How in the hell could you compare a man that has gotten consensual sex from everyone on this show to a fuc*ing rapist???????? So at what goddamned point can we men have sex with you crazy chicks??? No means no…Got It. But now you are saying that yes also means

Baptist He is not as down to Earth as most American Baptist preachers of any ethnic background…He reminds me more of those snooty black preachers with the all upper-class black congregation at one of those Atlanta or Dallas "prosperity ministries".

Really caused me to laugh out loud!!!! C-724!!!!

Agree, but she started this damn show as West Wing meets Young & Restless…..she should've thrown in a little Alias from the beginning so we all knew what kind of show it would be. Yes, any show about the White House will have room for some clandestine stuff, but I doubt it would consume the POTUS every waking moment.

Agree! And quite possible because Rowan tasked Jake with getting close to Olivia in S2 and later had Jake bring him the video of the two of them. Ewww! Fitz asked Jake to spy on Olivia, but Rowan wanted to get something to keep Fitz from resigning to run off with Liv when they reconciled about Defiance.

I like Charlie's character, Cyrus, and used to like the hero Olivia but now I just like looking at her. They've got to make the characters consistent sgain. Having classy Liv bed hop is not how she is supposed to be played, according to their definitions of her from previous seasons. I know all good girls slip, but


I would have given a B- even without an Olitz scene, but then Rowan and the effeminate black dude showed up…grade C+, because Europeans love your shows including this one, and because I realize to end the storyline he must be given a fair exit story and Jake needs to go too….Never knew why he was brought in at S2

He looks creepy and is so fing annoying…both his Italian and his black side….

Wow….with voices as great as the ones blacks having, would think this list would've included them more. They invented American pop and rock, its all black blues with a rhythm section. Just wow. What next? Blacks will create a list of great classical composers and not mention any of my Germans or other Europeans???

Yes, Defiance was great, and with this episode I both liked and disliked it. The problem for me was I was too anxious to see how everyone was reacting back home to the news of her kidnapping—especially the gladiators, Fitz, Mellie (would she be hoping she dies or is she totally over her marriage) and maybe even papa

Interesting thought, but perhaps right on! The woman can't seem to get recognized even when the show is nominated….I think Goldwyn does amazing work too, as well as the woman playing Mellie.

She did, and it was a pain as she hid it so long scared to tell, that it made the rewrites so very difficult as they had already written completely different arcs. She had a very bad pregnancy too and was really sick, and many episodes after the one where Fitz shows her the house in Vermont, she looks gosh awful. And