I find it very refreshing that she looks like she hasn’t had injections, fillers and/or plastic surgery and she looks her age.
I find it very refreshing that she looks like she hasn’t had injections, fillers and/or plastic surgery and she looks her age.
The first step toward solving your problem is to admit that you have one. Thank you for being brave and sharing with us that you do not find an objectively* attractive woman to be attractive. Now you can begin to heal.
*: Once someone attempts to kill a president in a person’s honor, that person’s attractiveness is no…
That was what I gathered, re: the tattoo. Tribal identifiers may be a target, in her mind. It’s easy to assume she’s racist, and she still may be, but that scene makes me think it goes even deeper.
Seems like his being a cop is more of a recent thing and that she’s more annoyed about him being at Danvers’ incessant beck and call. But yeah, I was kinda like, “We get it!” Danvers sending a demanding all caps text at 3:30 am was a funny detail to me, though.
Weird how the reviewer totally omitted the pretty important fact that the “Murder-Suicide” was actually a Murder, and that the bad guy was alive and happily humming when the Dynamic Duo arrived. One of them obviously killed him and made it look like a suicide.
Danvers was being an unreliable narrator with Pete about the abusive husband case she and Navarro worked on. As we saw in the flashback, he killed his wife, but he was alive when they got there. I’m guessing Danvers or Navarro shot him in cold blood (pun intended). This is part of their complicated dynamic, a bond…
Why is Peter’s wife surprised that her cop husband has to work long hours on a mass-homicide case that they’re under a deadline to solve?
With the Republicans, it’s always best to invert Hanlon’s Razor. Never attribute to stupidity that which can be adequately explained by malice.
What, no “Female, Abortionist Whore”? Oh, wait, that’s the Working Woman.
Yes, some of us must live with Tim Scott and Candace Owens being “one of us.” Fortunately, we can comfort ourselves with the saying “all skinfolk aren’t kinfolk!”
I am eternally mind-blown that my parents got their papers in 1969/70 in a matter of months, yet think it’s perfectly reasonable our Venezuelan friends went through a 14 year struggle plus attorney fees to get theirs...
Oh I get that it’s effectively the same—I just happen to feel personally affronted and ashamed when I see a fellow Cuban-American millennial pull this shit. When I found out Enrique Tarrio is Afro-Cuban, I about died inside. I was so embarrassed I thought “is this what it would feel like to shit my pants in front of a…
It’s the same dynamic. I’ve never forgotten one of Colbert’s Difference Maker segments where they interviewed a bunch of militiamen assholes putting up 400 meters of barbed wire fencing down at the border (for reasons). There was a Mexican-American woman with them, happily stapling up barbed wire, and she said…
Had to hold my breath while I looked her up. I saw the Hispanic name and that she’s a Florida congresswoman, and I immediately braced myself for the overwhelming shame of discovering yet another Cuban-American who got into politics to carry water for white supremacists and Christian nationalists. Fortunately for me,…
There is a difference between awkward and not grammatical. I meant to say “where IS the canned stuff now...?”
Where’s the callout for Liz asking Evangeline “where are the canned stuff now”? Hard to believe that E is yet another of Liz’s partners to keep warm, but it would explain the level of pain/conflict between the 2 of them.
I’m all for seeing more huskies, but please no more wolves or dogs getting disemboweled like in the first episode. That was more upsetting than the corpsicle.
Don’t get one of the clear (colored) water bottles if you think you might end up with a Diet Coke situation. A gorgeous transparent blue one will look absolutely gross with Diet Coke in it, esp at the gym, and could potentially result in scornful looks.
Let’s bring Schmigadoon season 3 to Broadway.