Apparently - The school enrolled about 100 students and employs 16 teachers, with a number of celebrities’ children in attendance West’s four children with Kim Kardashian do not attend the school; instead they attend Sierra Canyon School.
Apparently - The school enrolled about 100 students and employs 16 teachers, with a number of celebrities’ children in attendance West’s four children with Kim Kardashian do not attend the school; instead they attend Sierra Canyon School.
I’m not victim blaming, because the real victims here are the children. And teachers need jobs, so I’m going to give them some leeway here.
i think it’s interesting seeing so many people taking connor’s ‘i don’t need love, you guys do’ monologue at face value.
Who is giving their employer’s legal advice? This is a massive lawsuit waiting to happen. His family have nothing to do with the murders. He has not even been tried yet, let alone convicted.
I had a dream a few nights back where Peele and Key reunited for a TV show in the vein of ‘Columbo’, where Peele was the genius detective and Key was his faithful assistant. Except the series was set in the near future and all the episodes had some kind of sci-fi element to them.
Could be good... if it were Jordan Peele doing this, then I’d be all in.
I cannot stress how much I disagree with this statement “Parents are entitled to decide whether any topic, any subject, any use of particular sensitive words are going to be discussed in the classroom. If they don’t feel that it’s appropriate for the age of their child, they’re entitled to make that decision.”
Outlets are already saying that the shooter was trans, so prepare for more anti trans hate pieces.
I swear, Republicans have the filthiest minds. The Dolly Parton song reminded me of - I think it was an afterschool special sometime way back in the 70s - Free to be You and Me or something like that. I don’t recall any controversy about that? but I was a kid so would not have paid attention that.
Meanwhile, Florida's cracking down on a much graver threat to the safety of schoolchildren: anatomically correct 16th-century Italian sculptures...
Marsha Blackburn can jump off a fucking cliff for all I care. These school shooting only happen in fucking hard is it to see why????
It does feel like we have things backwards. It seems like POCs, LGBTQ, Jewish people, muslims, children, liberals etc should be the gun nuts, because they’re the vulnerable groups who keep getting targeted.
Kinda aready happened, and yup, Republicans were super horny for gun control when Black folks armed themselves:
Maybe if all the women, gay, trans and black/brown people started open carrying, guns will finally become woke and Republicans will ban guns like they ban books?
This crew (Alito, Thomas, Boof, Gorsuch, and OfMitch) along with the now-useless Roberts, have destroyed the traditions that earned the SCOTUS the wide respect of citizens for two hundred years. Nice going, you partisan hacks.
Also shows that she’s so much better off without him.
I feel the same way about Joseph Smith and the LDS cult. He wanted to molest and rape underage girls so bad he created a whole religion that said God said all that sex abuse was holy.
Tom can see Suri. In their divorce agreement, he isn’t allowed to disparage or alienate Katie from Suri.
Since articles never seem to point it out, perhaps for fear of being sued: Scientologists literally, literally, LITERALLY believe that spaceships came to earth hundreds of millions of years ago, and that’s the least stupid thing they believe.