
Yeah if that’s all he was doing, it would be weirdly wholesome (I mean as long as he’s keeping his comments to respectful stuff which it seems he is). One of the rare example of someone who’s a better person online than IRL. Turns out it’s worse than the alternative.

20 years ago people like you were the type of person that would say at parties, “I don’t even own a television!” with the implication that they were superior and more cultured. I was bored by those people back then too.

should not “imply something sinister or inappropriate about a great-grandfather’s use of social media.”

I want the post-post-apocalyptic story where the real heroes are the urban designers so badly

And I thought: didn’t it snow overnight?

I always think it’s silly in dystopias when a new belief system is created when you know people would just lean harder into puritan horribleness.”

I’m an atheist myself and am naturally suspicious of the motives of any self-declared “man of God”, but really, for the past twenty or thirty years, it would be more of a twist for a preacher in a movie or TV show to actually be a good guy given that the default is that they are a crook and/or a pedophile.

We think David is being gentle and fatherly with Ellie because he’s a man of god and doesn’t want to harm anyone.

I actually have BPD and I had a serious moment when Rebecca Bunch was diagnosed with BPD. I’m justing saying. Representation/visibility is really cool. *gives death stare to anyone who thinks The Last Of Us is shoving a narrative down their throats - go rot in hell*

I was explaining to my father this morning,

If this ISN’T an article explaining to me Rachel Bloom’s rise in fame than I really really do not care.

just rewatched Crazy Ex-Gf and fuck that show is good and big hearted.

Ok so what was his drag name?

I have concerns that [Dwyane] may be pressuring our child to move forward with the name and gender change in order to capitalize on the financial opportunities that he has received from companies...

By “financial opportunities,” to what is she specifically referring? Would they be enough to make up for the target on his back that comes with supporting a trans child in this political climate?

That’s the hope, despite all the press he gets, he flies below the radar and does a minimal amount of press.
The hope among sane people is that once there is a full media spotlight on him, he’ll wilt and looks just like a nasty boring asshole.
Trump is certainly a nasty asshole, but he ain’t boring.

I have tried very hard to make this point to people who are still focused on Trump’s antics, and I’m not getting very far. Trump had neither the patience nor the attention span to be an effective leader. DeSantis does.

It’s the GOP dream future. Everyone is too stupid to make any money, or call them on their bullshit.  Except if you are white and born to money - then you are ok with getting abortions, taking banned courses, not paying taxes, etc.

As bad as Trump was, there’s no question this clown would be MUCH worse.

Shoot for the stars, Ron! Way to chase the youth vote! See how well this shit plays when you and your charisma-free unlikeable self and Stepford wife are out on the national campaign trail! The kids will be lining up!

Basically DeSantis wants to doom Florida students from being able to work anywhere except a minimum wage job.