
How about Arya training for a whole season to be able to disguise herself as literally anybody else (as long as she kills and slices off their face first) and to have a 100+ sneak, but when the most obvious tactical option would be for the North to send an assassin into King’s Landing to kill Cersei, nobody at the

I mean, yeah it is slow and meditative — but when that’s what you’re in the mood for this show is great!

Waiting for that cat licking the plate to knock the next domino over is as tense as a Hitchcockian thriller.

Me on Monday, before working for home: “Why don’t they send us home? It makes no sense for us to be here. We can do everything remotely.”

What a jerk.
Not to mention who “tapes together” a bunch of brooms? That’s the stupidest way to make a fucking fort that I have ever heard.
Ugh. Now I’m, grouchy. “Smores optional!” Oh, shut the fuck up with that chirpy bullshit!

“And to replace that lost income from not working, set up manufacturing and brand licensing deals with China! I don’t know why everyone thinks that’s hard!”

Paper towels down the toilet bowl is a bona fide recipe for disaster. I thought about this the other day and it occurred to me that maybe if it comes down to paper towel etc I need a diaper genie for disposal of things that CANNOT go down the toilet.

wow.  this sounds touching & intelligent.  so many americans are going to hate it.

If we do our jobs, we take the Senate, the White House, and enough state legislatures to end gerrymandering and drive a stake in the heart of the Republican Party.

Bear with me as I hash out this idea, and it might be controversial, but it might also make things more palatable... at least it does to me.

supposedly, back in January, Sanders campaign was internally trying to game out how they could legally make Warren VP and Treasury Secretary.  It could be done ... and that would be awesome.

I just want to say I’m standing with you in your passion and rage today. 

Hillary Clinton received more votes than anybody not named Barack Obama in the history of human democracy. This was a discouraging outcome, and you can’t discount the role sexism played in it (obviously). Warren also could have run with a smarter campaign strategy.

With any luck, Biden or Bernie makes her their VP, then promptly dies.

where is the comfort with Trump? 1,000 point swings seemingly day-in/day-out on Wall Street, coronavirus pandemic now hitting US and WH can’t keep from fucking lying daily, NoKo launching missiles, Iran refining nuke weapons, we don’t know if we’re out of Syria, in Syria, out of Afghanistan, staying in Afghanistan,

I want a female Dem/Progressive President. Un-FUCKing-believable that so may other countries can be led by a female but NOT the US. We Are a FUCKING embarrassment.

Obama liked to use the quote: “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” I don’t think this is true. I think the arc of the universe bends towards comfort. The one constant you can say about human civilization is that it’s always more comfortable to be alive today than it was yesterday. And

There’s a great piece in the Atlantic talking about ambition and misogyny. 

I think the electorate is exhausted. That’s why we had 4 candidates in their 70's to choose from Tuesday and we went the so called safest route in Biden. Trump has sapped our ability to look forward.

Seriously? Are you that fucking stupid or you just like playing stupid? The country is FUCKED. The broadcast media, print media, social media do NOT have a specific Dem, Independent, or Republican lane they stick in. The goddamned fucking Republicans are bragging about their influence enough so that Donna Brazile