
I guess I'm curious what you think of as Sheldon's "flavor". The show seems to establish he's very poor at interacting with non-technical people, and his "looseness" is more because he doesn't understand social etiquette, so I don't see the appeal. He's enthusiastic, but so is Tyson. I've never heard anyone describe

Sheldon would be the death of science popularization. Although he was somehow a guest on Science Friday in one episode…

I second being upset about attempts to make Fitz and Simmons a couple. Their whole chemistry reads as "almost siblings". Also, they seem to have not figured out how Fitz should do romantic dialogue, which makes it worse when they try it.

Everyone knew who Fury was until he was "assassinated", and he was still more secretive than Coulson. And I can't imagine how saying SHIELD 2.0 is led by a dead guy is going to inspire confidence in its ex-allies.

So now that Coulson is starting his own spy agency, are more people going to realize he's alive? He keeps interacting with more people, but the show keeps saying he is still officially dead, except for the upper echelons of SHIELD. Also, how did that even hold after Winter Soldier and Romanov releasing everything?

I just wanted to feel special.

I'm pretty sure "Incentives" are kidnapped relatives/important people to Cybertek handlers. When Skye drags the head handler down the hall, the first room she opens has a woman who immediately recognizes (and is recognized by) the head handler and they have a touching moment.