
aargh beat me to it!

My immediate thought too!

My teenage perfume is unattainable and I am much sadder for it.


I only clicked on this because I thought she had long butt hair. What a swizz!

How can I erase the horror that is Riff Raff from my mind? I need to dunk my head in a vat of ammonia to get the stank out. Thanks. After all that sekse Diplo build-up too. *sniff.

Look just stop rainin' on my Peep parade mmkay? I wait the whole damn year for those tiny yellow poofies to show up on my drugstore shelf. I'm not a major Dunkin's fan but I appreciate their gesture to incorporate my favourite little guys into this festive donut. KELLY WHAT IS WRONG WITH MARSHMALLOW FLAVOURS? WHY YOU

Now playing

Is it inappropriate that I love this and cannot stop watching:

Yes. Unequivocally yes. You best go and get all the first three seasons and just tell your friends you can't come play for a few days (life or death). Because AAAAAAH!!!

Luise Rainer, 1938. So extravagant, so luxe, so riche, so vamp. My gawd I would be all over those sleeves. Ooh and a red lip and some serious side-eye all night.

"FORMER" child-star. She became a bloody adult and remained one for the rest of her life.

Shouldn't Jez stick to the anti-Terry campaign we have come to know and love? A Boycott of his work would probably NOT include using his horrendously amateur pictures of celebrities to support a story. Damn that man.

Oh Babs, you are SOOO right! What better way for Dylan to sabotage her father than to pick one of NUMEROUS nominations and accolades since oh, 1978 and talk about herself? Genius and my god what a sloooow burn. This must have been her ultimate plan!

Ah thanks. I couldn't be bothered to click through as this story is so foul.

Is that the mom or the daughter in the picture? Because correct me if I'm wrong but if it IS the daughter, should you really be showing her face?

HeeHaaaaaw "Jorsty Burbles"

Those are the WRONG shoes grrrl...

Ok I'm gonna be the jerk here who says it. This is a bloody boring dress. The only reason Mindy looks good is because of her gorgeous face and shiny hair. This dress is forgettable and drab and not very well draped. Blargh and ZZZZZZZ...