
Aw fuck. How did I not catch this, it's like TV watching 101.

I found her only mildly annoying this season.

Will be interesting to see how Linda will act next season. Did she genuinely have an epiphany about the terrible living conditions in the prison, or is she gonna just forget everything and go back to squeezing as much money out of Litchfield as she can. She kind of seemed genuine in her interactions with the inmates

I can definitely see his plotline in the Brink being Pornstaches flashback story with the pillpushing and drinking listerine and everything.

Sherry Palmer with a potty mouth. I definitely see it now

It's good that Myles reminded me of Dixon being a completw
dickhole, I had completely forgotten about that. His confession scene last season sickened me. The CO's in this show
make the ones in Prison Break seem like angels. I know they have to be
worse than the prisoners to fit the narrative they're pushing, but

It's somewhat entertaining so far, but that cold war bunker in the prison boiler room (?) seemed super cartoonish, even for this show.

Ugh, I felt it was so bolted on and bad it hurt. The social commentary is starting
to be so forced and on the nose it's starting to come at the cost of
the characters and believeability. Every namedrop took me out of the
show more than the one before and by the end it just seemed like a
parody of a social commentary.

The edit really hasn't shown this, but apparently Sarah was easily Sierras closest friend on the island. This makes Sierras blunder a bit more understandable, and Sarah backstab even more vicious in retrospect.
Still, knowing that Sarah was in control, Sierra should've threatened to will the advantage to Brad or

Imagine an alternative reality where Tony and Sarah swap places. Sarah is the second boot, Tony is the one running the game with a bag full of tricks. This would easily be considered the best season of all times.

+ No one knows how the legacy advantage works (or that it even exists, apart from Michaela). This season was filmed before/during MvsGx was airing, so no one has seen or heard about the legacy advantage apart from Zeke, who is on the jury.
Sarah might play it safe and just not tell anyone about the legacy advantage.

At least he hasn't waved his dick at his daughters face, now that's a rock bottom.

How I Met Your Mother had the worst one. Ted's sister came to visit him once, but was never around (or even mentioned) for any of his major life events.

"The word trope has also come to be used for describing commonly recurring literary and rhetorical devices, motifs or clichés in creative works."
- wikipedia

Dennis's fake laughter at "dickless Dennis" and the rage bubbling underneath the surface always gets me.

Somehow this episode felt lower in laughs than the rest of the season (to me) but it was comfortable to have the classic "Always Sunny" feel back. There's been quite a few gimmick episodes this season.

Tony has got to be working with Gabriel, or knowing 24, he might even be Gabriel… Or they're gonna drag him out of the prison to assist with the case as soon as they find out some villain from the past seasons (preferrably, but unfortunately probably not Mandy) is behind this seasons terrorivities.

My thoughts exactly. And since 24 reusing the radical Islam terrorist trope has been discussed a lot lately, here as a remainder is the list of where the antagonists from 24 previous seasons actually were:
Season 1: Serbian war criminals on a personal grudge against Palmer and Bauer
Season 2: American oil tycoon

I'm imagining a Tyrell type of executive firing a bunch of people over there watching this.

The grades I believe are in relation to the other episodes of the show. Hence e.g. Breaking Bad getting only A's during the last season, since they were so much above the first two seasons. (also the reviewer was being uncritical fanboy, but you get the point)