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    All of these articles ask us to judge so intensely on such little information. Why in the world does Jezebel want to make us their own uninformed mob? Exploration of casting with contreversial plays is nothing new. Play’s can evolve with their casting choices especially in a more accepting gender fluid society.

    Im a pes·ca·tar·i·an and have been for the last 6 years or so. At first I stopped eating meat for health reasons but eventually chose to continue due to the meat industries despicable practices.

    Okay. This is totally unrelated because honestly we just don’t need to be having another conversation with the Kardashians.

    Really heavy food isn’t a great idea (Thanksgiving effect). Not to mention that eating big greasy items can lead to spillage and guests who get all dolled up most likely won’t appreciate eating at a food court.

    How is it possible for Fox news to write such misleading and false stories? I remember in a journalism class they once showed us what happened to a reporter who used old footage from a show featuring military jets instead of shooting new footage based on the story he was doing. He was subsequently fired and shunned by

    I ate an entire bag of cheese puffs when I should be fasting. I haven’t pooped yet but I imagine it won’t be completely orange. If it is I’ll update you guys right away.

    Aww. Thank you.

    Joe Biden spoke at my Syracuse graduation. I literally fell asleep 10 minutes in. No way is he going to be our new president.