
I mean, that’s true, and the clarity is a nice, concise message but they could’ve tied a title into it. A new “feeling” game should have a new name! At least like, the “Second Age” or something like that. I wanted a little grandeur to go along with it.

Anyone else a little salty that it’s literally just “Destiny 2?”

“I’ve never understood why anybody would ever play a game for “points”, whether that be pac man, robotron, Tetris, or CoD.”

“you would not try to unlock everything or all the character. Or in a MOBA.“

Manveer has left Bioware to make his own indie company. He no longer works for Bioware.

Nothing? They just added some details as to who it was? Right-wing isn’t derogatory, it’s just a statement. Some people might not want to click through and read a right-wing article. That’s why it’s posted there.

I’m really only upset with Batou and Togusa, I feel they could’ve done a lot better with their costumes and their actors. As far as Major? Whoever played Mako in Pacific Rim would’ve been a good choice, though it is a Dreamworks production, so I wasn’t really expecting much. I don’t harbor any ill-will towards the

I’m not really sticking up for anybody, I’m in the party that thinks Scarjo isn’t a very good pick for the role.

Her shell doesn’t look like a white woman, my dude. It looks like what we perceive it to be, but the story takes place in JAPAN and her shell was made by a JAPANESE manufacturer for her to work in JAPAN so to say she isn’t JAPANESE is just plain silly.

“95% of anime characters don’t look like japanese people,” gonna stop you right there buddy. Just because they don’t “look” doesn’t mean they “aren’t.”

Arguably, the Major is a cyborg, but the entirety of the story takes place in Japan, so why wouldn’t her everyday shell look like a Japanese individual? Most anime are

I can’t believe the number of people that don’t understand this is a joke, lmao.

Jesus Christ.

What the fuck does he even say in the first three seconds of the video?

“What’s up mublublughl GizmosSlip.”

It takes an estimated 6 years of listening and speaking to native speakers, as well as learning the language to become fluent.

Source: My Spanish teacher who has a doctorate in linguistics an Spanish.

Deadpool was the same thing.

Basically what everyone has else said. It takes awhile for my TV to recognize I’ve booted up the Xbox or the PS4 because it takes awhile to catch the signal, it also doesn’t help that it’s a Vizio.

Calum Bowen, or Bo-en as he’s called as an artist, makes fantastic music. Listen to his stand alone stuff.

At least it’s not Skadi’s Doge Skin. Shinbi looks stellar.

Do not crush the Nintendo Switch upon receiving your unit.

I hate the Nobushi and the Peacekeeper so much. Not so much the Peacekeeper since the poison is a little easier to deal with, but the Nobushi with her upwards poison attack that she can pull off repeatedly and easily is such a hassle to deal with, especially if someone decides to main a Nobushi.