

In a game where people run around blasting curses and riding dragons, the least of my concerns is going to be protecting my chest.

Also, let’s be real; cut a slice like that out of traditional knight armor and they’d probably be safe. Once a knight was on the floor, they were boned because they A.) Couldn’t get out of

But it’s true. Aside from the exposed chest, it has every piece of armor that a “traditional” knight would be wearing.

Also, this is Fire Emblem, fan service is everywhere. Fan service just runs rampant now. Camilla is an egregious example of it considering her mommy complex too, but compare it to Peri who’s a

Custom paint job of the original Steel Batallion controller for D.Va.

“When everyone’s buying 4k TV’s these days.”

No, no they’re not.

People that can afford to shed a standard 1080p TV for a 4k is a person that doesn’t care about performance, they care about having the newest thing. Even then, people aren’t going to ditch their old television set just to get a 4k one when most things

We found him guys, it’s the PC Elitist.

I didn’t know Meiju Jingu had a batting cage. Time to find out if they rent equipment there - I’ve got a 1 AM arrival time and I need something to do for a few hours until check in time for a hotel in spring.

Man when are you guys going to do an internship in the Bay Area again?


Prey is Viscera Cleanup Detail except this time you suck up all the furniture and shoot it to see what bleeds.

I like the hook now. It seems more like an actual skillshot, not that Roadhog wasn’t a skill-required character to begin with, but he certainly seems more fair, and a good Roadhog will hopefully make super solid picks.

No more Genji or Hanzo mains, we got Roadhog mains to look out for. They’re either gonna be totally

Manic creativity is really nice, but Gearbox’s art style is just a little too jarring. Like looking at it, you wouldn’t know what to pin it with, and none of the characters look like they belong in the same universe. They’re cluttered, they’re busy. Arguably there’s different factions, and groups of folks in the game,

What’s wrong with Reaper in terms of character design? He’s just a mercenary wearing a cloak.

Do you think he’s too edgy, or something? I mean that’s his schtick, that’s his archetype. That’s like saying “McCree is too cowboy,” or “Reinhardt is too enthusiastically German,” or “Hanzo and Genji are too obsessed with

Wow, uh. Autocorrect on my phone is straight up horrid.

What’s bag supposed to mean?

Considering there’s still a billboard in Shibuya advertising Dangerous Woman, she’s pretty popular. But I don’t think she’s THAT popular.

There’s a lot of differences between Smite Rivals and Clash Royale, namely being that you can drag and drop troops in Royale, but in Rivals there’s three distinct lanes which makes it more like a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors, and less a battle of attrition. It seems to be more power focused than unit focused anyways,

That’s different dude. You’re playing no limits. Of course it’s not going to be balanced in no limits.

I can’t tell if your serious or not. Should Bastion not be able to go into his turret form if he’s behind a shield? Torb’s turrets are incredibly easy to take out, so much that if he keeps putting them up you just stop him with sustained fire.

I think you’ve had one too many teams on Hanamura that aren’t that great.

If you can’t “get into details” then how are we supposed to believe you?