
You mean the duke?

People actually talk to other people on xbox live that aren't their friends?

All of these animations always seem super rigid, not superfluous. Dunno. Personal opinions. Also why Martial Arts? HE HAS A HAND CANNON.


Worry about ammo? Make every shot count, and then reload when needed

I agree whole-heatedly with this. Our first cat was a Maincoon, supposed to be a "pure bread" show cat, but he had improper lining of his teeth so they were going to euthanize him. We rescued him. I fucking hate cats but I'll always love that one, just because we saved him.

I have, but this isn't even a challenge, nor does this present one.

Generally, killing people in most video games is validated by the fact that they're usually enemies that have ill-intentions.

The Desert Eagle's intended use was for Isreali's to shoot out the engine blocks of cars so they'd explode.

This would literally be like me going into my work and slitting the throat of every single animal we sell. This isn't a hunting simulator, much as you can call Call of Duty a "war simulator." This is poaching.

Especially the part where Jack gets drunk and beats Rose!

I dont even work in the food business but even I say these things about customers just so. I remember who they are. Whenever I pass someone off to my manager I say "Yeah that black guy with such and such " or anything descriptive to tip off people and let them know.

I certainly don't have a problem with MLP and the people who like the show, I still feel like it's just a cartoon, an okay one at that. Bronies though... I dislike Bronies, the ones that are all in your face about "OMG LOVE AND TOLERANCE GUYS WHY DON'T YOU LIKE PONIES?" And try to hug on you and shit? That happened

He got crushed by Arsenal Gear, I think that's what was trying to crush I'm pretty sure. Regardless, Vamp survived H2, I'm sure Raiden can survive being crushed by a boat. They just pulled out his spine and put it into a new body.

You don't really win a fight against a boat. Also he actually stopped it, so if it was a fight, he won, because he was trying to save Snake, not the docks.


But in Halo 4, or in any Halo game, the only game changers are getting the power weapons, or ACTUALLY BEING GOOD AT THE GAME.

Uh. No. He just donated to charity.

In certain games they give you bonuses. In MapleStory (God I hate that I played that game) you get 1.5x exp when you're playing with your spouse in the same map.

My Wii U isn't here yet. I'm on the wait list. :c