The character developement in the entire MGS series is astounding. Metal Gear Solid is like the grandaddy of all espionage games, like GoW is that to cover based shooters.
The character developement in the entire MGS series is astounding. Metal Gear Solid is like the grandaddy of all espionage games, like GoW is that to cover based shooters.
They aren't even zombie/mutant things. They're rock men from underground. The only part that was profound and emotionally deep was when Dom took his life for his best friend Marcus. That whole scene made me want to cry. But I'm with the others, the writing is intended to be B-movie quality. Doesn't mean it isn't good.
With the Gears novels were overlooked quite a bit to make sure they stuck true to the universe.
Yeah... where do you get your net from?
Probably haven't.
Mfw when you're complaining about an Amazon as she should be displayed, and not about the release date for 2013.
It is open world. When you go to combat, those're instanced, but every where else is open world. There's multiple areas of the world you can travel too as well as player housing and like... little lounges you could play around in.
Phantasy Star Online 2. Or as I like to call it Phantasy Phish and the Ocean of Stars 2.
I got my first username playing mapleestory (shoot me, I know.) It was NightHawkXI. I got it because of Nighthawk the super hero from Marvel. My uncle had a few comics and he let me see them, but unfortunately I don't remember a ton about NightHawk.
I did this all the time in infection on Halo. In fact, in party chat, I'd scream my head off because sometimes just got that hectic.
Wow. It's a very military stylized piece of equipment. I think this might be my next PC if I ever need to get one. $800 for that is very affordable.
She was getting naked, and then he saw her, etc. etc.
Pfft, nah. Mainly because Hentai plotlines are about as ridiculous as American pron plot lines that they're funny to watch.
I don't know man. Have you seen some of the hentai out there? Tentacles sure as heck have no problem.
With the censor, it looks like an actual person kissing that baby. wtf.
I've watched it before. Nude mud wrestling and lesbian sex. It's hentai pretty much but it's so rare that the sex pops up.
Betty Boop was made in a time where that was appropriate. LOL
Skullgirls story is good! It's not executed well though. It's still a fantastic game.
His oversexualized argument would work, if it was DOA, and, you know, Peacock didn't look like a 20's cartoon.. The only characters that act slutty are Valentine when she wins.
I like how RedWaltz said the style for Skullgirls was taken out of some cheap Nickelodeon animation.