
Definitely in the camp of ‘if everyone is consenting and having fun it doesn’t really matter *what* it is’. The whole ‘pee or not pee’ debate always seemed too focused on controlling women’s sexuality by labeling things gross or acceptable. If you like it, do it, and that’s all that matters. 

How many pecker pics would a prick named Pecker present if a prick named pecker could present pecker pics?

Tim Kaine: “I have never worn blackface.”

I imagine at some point you will see a variation of #2 where the rich are just going to up and flee to some other country and then you’ll be SOL out of ALL their taxes. Oddly no one can quite name what this country is that the rich are going to flee to, given that America already has one of the lowest tax rates in the

I think they are keenly aware of how poorly received Other M was, as well as Federation force for that matter... I just think they weren’t willing to risk it.  and I’m totally cool with that!

I honestly thought that was coming too. Would have eased the pain greatly. 

On the one hand, I’m glad this is in Retro’s hands now.

...on the other, the wait is going to be a long one, it seems.

Ah well.  Not as if we’re without a ton of stuff coming out over the next couple of years.

As a vet, I also served alongside plenty of LGBTQ Shipmates. And I would trust any one of them with my life AGAIN before trusting a “Commander-in-Chief” who dodged serving himself.

A hamberder in the hand is worth two in the bush.

There’s no fucking way Trump knows about Wounded Knee or Little Big Horn.

“they would essentially make the left the enemies of some pretty powerful moneyed interests”
True, but here’s the thing, America isn’t yet that far gone that voters couldn’t overcome this. (We’re not, say, Russia yet.) If we consistently voted and consistently agitated, moneyed interests wouldn’t matter as much (they’d

He had to be fired, but... BRAVO GOOD SIR! That was fucking awesome!

This clown could not possibly fuck up more things if he actually tried to. 

Too deep for Kinja.

Well that was amazing - I hardly ever watch long videos, but I watched all 49 minutes of that, even when it was taking away from my Spyro time.

Dredd is such a gem! :)

Can any of you industry insiders give some clarity on something for me. Or maybe someone at GMG could expound in a bit more nuanced depth on it: