
I have no more patience for you and your insanity. You ought to be ashamed of your conduct. You began by responding to a comment I made not with an intelligent argument but an opinion which possessed no considered thought behind it - and finished by insulting me. What planet are you from that you saw that as either

I’m gonna guess it is the salacious sensationalism, but I don’t want to speak for Distinqué Traces.

Season one of this fantastic podcast called “Science Vs” discusses this very topic. The episode is titled something obvious, like “pornography” so it will be easy to find if you are interested.

I neither know what to say to you nor have a desire for further talk at this point, as talking rationally with you is impossible due to your appalling manners. You seem like a deeply unhappy person, and frankly it is depressing to interact with you as such. The posession of such quantities of aggressive vitriol as you

Everyone is free to discuss their opinions - free speech. There is no need for you to be so rude in discussing yours. You are free to stand up for your beliefs of course, but people will not take you seriously if you do not treat them respectfully. If they do prop you up for this behavior, you may want to reconsider

This article confuses me deeply. What are people eating that makes the bowl look like a crime scene and needs to be cleaned after each use? What is simpler than taking five minutes to scrub the bowl with a bleach/water combo once a week? If the grime isn’t allowd to build up, there is no reason to go nuclear. Please,

I am not sure what you are trying to express or how it relates to what I have said, but there is no reason to be rude to fiona888888 or myself. Being rude does not facilitate a productive conversation. Certainly bodies exist, and it is normal for bodies to be different sizes, but the latter case is not inherently

I’m glad you are enjoying it! It is truly fantastic. Listening to it for the first time was like coming home - it was good to know that there are other women out there who have a morbid fascination with murder!

She could be in good health, but that does not mean she would not be healthier if she lost some weight and gained muscle tone. I think people in western culture who have the means to eat well and exercise should do so. There are many benefits to being active and maintaining muscle tone. It depresses me that people do

Many average sized American men and woman are overweight, medically speaking. It is not a value judgement on their worth as humans to say this. The woman in this article is visibly overweight, medically speaking. You can see that she has more fat than is necessary on her face, arms, stomach. She is not morbidly obese

I agree with you and you have expressed the sentiment far more articulately than I was able to in a comment I made to another poster. I find that emotions quickly enter into this topic and people are fast to assume value judgements are being made on aesthetic worth/human worth, but that is not what the discussion

I see what you are saying, and while I agree that a size 0 may not be as common, I am a little disturbed that size 14 and up are now considered “normal” when they are simply “average,” and I make this distinction to imply that I find it disturbing that people are so willing to accept that this is the normal body. The


I’ll hazard a guess it never led to murder though!

Is it implausible that brother and sister ate some pineapple together and then he went back to his room or some other part of the house, and was uninvolved with whatever occured thereafter?

Personally, I think it is more likely that the father was molesting JonBenet and accidentally killed her. As I said in another comment, someone could have handled the pineapple container with a barrier, or Burke’s were not the only prints present, but they were the only viable ones.

Someone else could have worn gloves, and Burke had touched the container and put it back earlier in the day. Also, just because Burke’s were the only fingerprints lifted does not inherently mean they were the only prints on the container. There could have been other prints present that were not viable.

There is no benefit to eating liquids for a week in the form of smoothies or juices, in fact it can be unhealthy. Your body is designed to eat solids.

1. Dunno about hernias, but you can give yourself hemmoroids. Eat more fibre if you are straining or your poop is not compact and clean (you shouldn’t be wiping excessively to get yourself clean.)

And eat more fibre to cut down on the need for excessive wiping. Adequete fibre = clean poops, people!