Friendly Neighborhood White Fella

Yeah with all those videos of innocent whites being attacked and the statements of the dead guy’s fambly, why would anyone think they hate whites?

He was the bag of balls that Feldman was traded with!

Pretty sure this is his career highlight:

Well Curtis will certainly have plentiful resources to draw from if he decides to try and ignore this.

You forgot to mention that at that same press conference Chief Putney did say that the family of Keith Lamont Scott requested to see the video and it was granted. So the family WILL get to see the video, why wasn’t that mentioned in the article again?

Body cams are not used for the purpose of sharing the video with the public. That does not mean the videos won’t be released in some cases, but their intent is official review grand juries, etc. Not for YouTube fodder of people being shot and killed. Faces Of Death movies are available for those that have a blood lust


but..but...tomorrow I am going on vacation where I will be without internet access for two weeks. I was really hoping to be able to vent my disgust before then. Knowing my luck, this video will release mid-vacation and I won’t be able to show my disgust with all of you at the same time. I’ll get back and try to talk

Should we believe the daughter and her fairytale about the book then? Or maybe the fact the guy had an extensive criminal record with lots of gun charges? Because this is what has triggered the mayhem in downtown Charlotte.

another was reportedly beaten in a parking garage

Not one mention of rampant looting and trying to throw a reporter into a fire.

This is one of those situations where someone was previously condescending to you, so you chose to project those feelings onto this innocuous statement and then vent anger that you couldn’t previously express. You’re projecting your past trauma onto this internet situation to express the feelings you had then in this

But lets burn the city down first just to make sure.

Longtime Jez fan, first time poster. I created this account just now because Jackie was a casual friend of mine and I’m the one who sent the story into Jezebel. Just wanted to say thank you so much for using my tip and posting her story. Jackie was a funny, charming, kind young woman and we are trying to get her story

This is about millennial athletes needing attention; it’s not about politics.

Such an original “joke.” Really brave and bold to post it here too.

We click on the next thing and totally forget about this.

Hyundai of Gary is weighing options.

A genocide? Really? I think you’d better watch some documentaries on Nazi Germany, Serbia/Croatia and Darfur and report back to me. But your hysterics are impressive.