Friendly Neighborhood Troll

Which can be separately considered as child abuse on an emotional level. On a legal one, there are at least some places where that would aggravate the charge. This really isn’t a minor spat.

A year old witnessed his mom assault his dad, probably not for the first time.

In front of their child no less.

It’s a women who is committing domestic violence. So in Jezebel it’s going to be painted from the point of view of the gender and not who the victim was like they constantly do.

It’s Jezebel where just being a man is a crime. The level of minimization in this whole article regarding her assault is pretty telling.

domestic violence towards men is normally considered humorous

Seriously, between her “bad” day and his “minor” injuries this is just an odd writeup. Unless there’s something else going on here that’s not being mentioned, this is way too glib. 

It seems odd to me that the Big Sean bit is such an emphasis as well. This is pretty serious, not the subject matter of a Twitter feud between exes.

Isn’t is Dorsey who had the bad day? You know, being assaulted and all? Am I missing crucial info here or is this all a weird tone for a article on domestic violence?

I feel like I’d only be surprised if an Entourage extra said “wow nobody groped me on set”

I’m still waiting for the Trump / rape episode to air/leak.

Colbert would be crushing.

*Says a prayer that Major Garrett doesn’t turn out to be a piece of shit.* 

................just leave me obama ok? dont know what i’d do if i found out he was a predator

They raping everybody out here.

He should. But I think there is a shitload of this stuff among Congressmen about to break in the news and they’re all probably worried about creating a precedent that this is resign-worthy. I think it’s something that a lot of these assholes are about to face and they don’t want to go overboard in their faux-outrage.

Cis-gender people playing transpeople isn’t like blackface or whitewashing.

Tambor’s a known article, with a recognizable name, with a background doing those kind of characterization of love-hate types. People who don’t care about trans issues will watch a show with Tambor or another known actor, just to see what they will do.

It’s rare that one man can manage to hold a 17 year old PETA volunteer’s views on animal rights AND an 85 year old racist grandfather’s views of multiculturalism at the same time. He has also reached that far more common right wing sweet spot of dismissing actual sexual assaults in the news while pretending that

“The vibe was very much like, ‘Do I want to f— it? Is it wearing a … yep, it’s wearing a tuxedo,” Dunham continued. “I’m going to go back to my cell phone.’” It was like we were forced to be together, and he literally was scrolling Instagram rather than have to look at a woman in a bow tie. I was like, ‘This