
The issue isn’t that they are “immature”

Nah I'll take part iii over bay turtles

“if nobody finds the subject sexy then they cannot be sexualized.”

No they are not. “Sexy” refers whether or not you find the character sexually attractive. “Sexualized” refers to how the movie presents the character as a sexual object first and foremost.

The more words and pics they throw in there, the more they can throw ads and such and make more money.  But yeah, it blows.

They do not care about morality anymore. They do not care about government policy or any social good. NOTHING matters except “My Team Win”.

Homelander, for those unfamiliar with the character, exists as The Boys’ answer to both Superman and Captain America.

This was my favorite part as well. It seems to me that Favreau and Filoni understand that one of the single best thing about “The Mandolorian” is adding content that makes the already established universe even more diverse and interesting.

I really loved seeing Djarin’s reaction to finding out that there are other Mandalorian sects out there, and that they don’t all believe what he believes. All that time, he’s been told “This is the Way” only to find out there are other interpretations of the Way, that maybe he really doesn’t know his culture as well

Agreed, the first time I was like “Oh no, the little bastard did it! Haha!” but Mando told him no... the next time I was like, “c’mon dude. That’s not cool”. After that it was like “Jesus Christ this little shit is gonna suck down the entire jar and make the frog lady cry and/or kill him.. this is awful. It would

I thought it was horrifying every time, but the fact that the kept doubling down on it was downright appalling and stunningly tone deaf.

The egg-eating thing kind of wrecked the episode for me because it introduced a weird tension that never went anywhere. We had a stranger with priceless cargo, about whom we knew nothing. What was going to happen when she figured out her eggs were disappearing? Why wasn’t the Mandalorian more worried about it? Why are

It was not funny. I was horrified

First time it was funny, 2nd, 3rd and 4th times it was just horrifying.

Man, Charles, I’m glad somebody wrote about this because the entire thing sat wrong with me the entire time. Dude, the first time I saw Baby Yoda like being drawn toward the eggs, I thought it was a force thing... like he sensed the potential for life (or mitichlorians or whatever) inside those eggs and it was meant

Right, not everything needs to be high brow, but even low brow entertainment should avoid being bad, or in this case unintentionally horrific. I’ll never understand the people who take the position that it doesn’t matter how dumb, illogical, or bad some aspect of a movie/show is, as long as the movie/show isn’t some

It doesn’t have to be PRESTIIIIGE but Star Wars at its best elevates the genre out of the so-called “sci fi ghetto” into something admired by folks who may only have a passing interest in science fiction. To boil it down as “space wizards for children” is as simple-minded as “all animation is just for kids”, which is

That was one of the most unpresidential acts ever. Using the press room and office to damage the democratic process.

I think it is fair to say that if that process worked and was perfected, every bounty hunter would want to use it since it completely eliminates any chance of escape or really any problems at all during transport.

you just nailed the thing I didn’t like about the mandalorian. I guess since it does take place after, and the carbon-frozen living statue of han was briefly famous amongst the rougher crowd, it could have taken off. I don’t think ol’ mando could have had a carbon freezing chamber on his little skiff though.