
Oh yeah, games at this early stage of development are likely to undergo significant changes - its why they were seeking feedback from a focus group, after all. We’ll see what happens I guess. 

Yeah, that actually bothered me quite a bit. It seemed like an inappropriate level of casual violence for a protagonist in this setting.

I liked that it added a weirdly archaic element to the Star Wars universe: that even among humans its apparently extremely common for someone not to have a surname, so much so that the recruitment officer hardly misses a beat in just making one up to complete the form. It helps remind you that this really is long,

Even if that claim is true, artists at a game company don’t have total creative freedom. They have leads and managers telling them what kind of art to make, and who have to sign off on the work before its considered done. If an artist gets instructed to make a character “hotter”, that’s what they’ve gotta do. You

I still don’t understand why they decided to do it in the first place. The character wasn’t actually supposed to have inhumanly large eyes in the source material - that’s just the drawing style. I feel like this decision was made by someone who didn’t really understand that.

Oh, no I understood you. I think though that you’re reading a lot into Heather’s original point, which was simply that its almost insultingly absurd for the developers to pretend that their work doesn’t have any political bent, when clearly it does. I get why they want to make that claim though, since they’d rather

“All games are political, so none are.”

I really don’t agree. Greedo pulled a blaster on Han and threatened to kill him. Greedo’s last words were even about how much he’d been looking forward to it! Its a clear case of self defense, and Han didn’t need to wait for Greedo to pull the trigger to see if he REALLY meant it. Sneaking out his blaster and

Also, it gets worse if you know a little bit about how computers work, since “uploading” and “downloading” is ALWAYS just copying. Data doesn’t really move, you just make a copy on some other device and delete the original if you want. The implications of that just add to the subtle horror of the setting. It’s

I’m with you that its not at all clear that Finn returns her feelings, but Rose was fangirling all over him when they first met. It seemed perfectly plausible to me that his heroic actions on Canto Bight and his attempted self-sacrifice in the final battle re-ignited her crush on him.

When Finn said he worked in sanitation on Starkiller base, I figured it was something like this - that conscripts not yet old enough for combat duty would be used to perform menial labor when not training. I’m glad that was actually the direction they went with it.

At the time I thought he was actually there, but pulled an Obi-Wan vanishing death when the first walker blast hit and force-projected for the rest of the scene, which nicely explained why he apparently survived what even a Jedi shouldn’t be able to (and unscathed at that), and why he never actually let Kylo touch

In the source material, her eyes weren’t supposed to be freakishly large though. That’s just the art style - everybody was drawn with big eyes. In context, she fell within the range of perfectly normal human faces. This call is just bizarre, and from the outside it smacks of almost amateurish ignorance of the medium.

The Entire concept of having sub-lightspeed trade routes in the first place is pretty crazy. “I’ll take 50,000 gallons of blue milk. Deliver them to my great great grandson when you get here”

Yeah, that’s what I was going to say: the GPS device listens for the satellites, not the other way around.

RV’s, Duh...

What could have been...

Not to mention that if they’re shrinking the matter of their body, they would still weigh the same, so they’re now 12x as dense. Just moving around outdoors would take some getting used to, since they would be more likely to sink into soft surfaces like dirt and mud.

Apparently I’m in the minority here, but I really preferred the version they went with. This just looks like generic fantasy villain to me. The mustachioed “evil dad” version in the film was unusual and memorable. The fact that under the armor he was less than imposing made a lot of sense to me, as inadequacy issues

Yeah, the idea that the latest pushback is the last gasp of a dying generation, and that our future victory will be inevitable is a seductive one. Its also dangerous and wrong. People have been saying this for decades, but I know far too many younger people who proudly voted for Trump. Adherents and misogyny and