Friendly Crustacean

You don’t have to worry about this thing that happened on 2/2 days. :-)

Spoken language was a mistake, we should have stopped at hunting and gathering.

You can stop explaining to people what they mean when they say stuff now. OMG, now it will never stop.

It sounds like something I didn’t say. :-)

What’s up with the weird shapes near the label (and elsewhere)? The proportions of the whole thing are weirdly off, as if they didn’t take measurements but just drew something that they thought would look right. Anyway, it seems Super Mario Kart used the earlier ugly US SNES cart design, not the the other ugly US

Au contraire!

He makes vector graphics right? (For some reason they don’t seem to be SVG).

“In the eyes of those who make that consideration...” and in the eyes of those who do NOT make that consideration it’s not the case that... Where does that lead us? What does that even mean? Yeah, if you decide to think this or that then that’s what you think... um.

A more direct reply to the performance thing: What performance?

Consider the concept of eating bread as a “performance of a copyrighted work of bakery”, and then reevaluate your position.

I thought we didn’t have a problem with ethics in game journalism.

Sure it can be cheap, if you stick to the current gen mainstream.

“That means they dictate who plays and every aspect of how.”

What is called “piracy” and plagiarism are completely different things. (Of course you know) It makes perfect sense to be okay with the former while being disgusted with the latter. ROM dumpers do not say “look, I wrote this awesome game”, and if they did, they would suffer the consequences.

Why and how is moving from reviewer to game company even a thing?

Asking for money for such a simple game your kid did is not impressive. The dad should know better. The kid might even be embarrassed by this in a few years.

esper333 is right. Just judging from the steam video the game consists of a loop, an if, getting pseudorandom numbers and little else. A text adventure is a huge step up from this, a simple pac man clone or similar another one.

Some of us just play for fun. Uh... if there is no fun, accomplishments don’t matter that much, do they?

Look, Bobby, my dad bought me this awesome ant PRISON. It’s fun to watch them build all those escape tunnels.

Japanese might lend itself a little better to text-to-speech conversion than, say, english. Its sounds are more “simple” and “uniform”. Then there’s the japanese attention to detail.