What about a Trans-Am?
What about a Trans-Am?
Everybody’s bad except for you. Got it.
LOL! You let politics get in the way of friendship like a true fucking moron. Fucking drama queen.
Nice humble brag there.
Then leave. Take your ball and go home, you fucking crybaby.
Look everybody, it’s a virtue signaling, self-righteous twit!
That pig HATES white people.
We’re supposed to be mad at white people for wanting to retain their whiteness? How dare they!
Stop embarrassing yourself, you self hating dork.
I don’t hate anyone.
Is the whining going to go on all day or will it last for a full week?
I’ve been here longer than you. You’re the troll, not me.
You never liked America in the first place. You rally around millionaires who refuse to stand for the national anthem, flag burners, and professional victims. You piss on everything that is beautiful about this country. I don’t give a damn about your grudge. All you ever do is call everyone disagrees with you a…
You’re the one whining and crying like the sky is falling. I’m not a victim.
That’s just not true.
Maybe you just get called a bitch and a cunt because you ARE a bitch and a cunt.
You guys are the same scumbags who danced on Scalia’s grave before his body was even cold. Eat a dick.
Talk about an insult to people who legitimately have PTSD.
So many liberal tears today.
Hot take, pig.