The sound track. Yoko Kanno…..
The sound track. Yoko Kanno…..
cool as a cucumber
If there’s anything to it, then why didn’t this crap come up before the election?
Have you seen the “Chanter” class in Pillars of Eternity? They are a hoot!
My Paladin is named “Havegun”. His calling card says “Wire Paladin, Hotel Carlton, San Francisco”
“Swifty Morgan”
it’s time to declare the NRA a terrorist group
I believe firmly in the right to arm bears
you heard the worst, now remember the BEST:
That car went spinning right thru the pack and hit her. she had a car left and right and could not turn. somehow it’s her fault? btw all the focus on Danica Patrick’s failures, how many other drivers don’t finish?
that school’s a gun-free zone , right?
prayers and condolences just aint gonna cut it
Intelligence usually, or Use Magic Device Skill. Bards may have a perk they can take later, to boost UMD or use Charisma for that skill. But these were only level ONE toons
Next time I’m on DDO , I’m totally putting together a party of ALL BARDS.
so tell us how you really feel?
Not too difficult to do as monsters/npc’s can have abilities same as traditional player character classes. I had an entire campaign setting (“House of the Hawk”) where one of the characters was turned into a genie, the party had to defeat some demi-god type character to get the lamp back. Every time anyone in the…
Don’t forget Endosteel
I’m scared..... this should be banned cause it’s scary looking!