friendly fire

cool as a cucumber

  1. Blue Ball, Pennsylvania

If there’s anything to it, then why didn’t this crap come up before the election?

Have you seen the “Chanter” class in Pillars of Eternity? They are a hoot!

My Paladin is named “Havegun”. His calling card says “Wire Paladin, Hotel Carlton, San Francisco”

“Swifty Morgan”


it’s time to declare the NRA a terrorist group

I believe firmly in the right to arm bears

Now playing

you heard the worst, now remember the BEST:

That car went spinning right thru the pack and hit her. she had a car left and right and could not turn. somehow it’s her fault? btw all the focus on Danica Patrick’s failures, how many other drivers don’t finish?

that school’s a gun-free zone , right?

prayers and condolences just aint gonna cut it

Intelligence usually, or Use Magic Device Skill. Bards may have a perk they can take later, to boost UMD or use Charisma for that skill. But these were only level ONE toons

Next time I’m on DDO , I’m totally putting together a party of ALL BARDS.

so tell us how you really feel?

Not too difficult to do as monsters/npc’s can have abilities same as traditional player character classes. I had an entire campaign setting (“House of the Hawk”) where one of the characters was turned into a genie, the party had to defeat some demi-god type character to get the lamp back. Every time anyone in the

Don’t forget Endosteel

I’m scared..... this should be banned cause it’s scary looking!