Smove With the Roughness

Also, why am I still in the greys on this site?

Sorry I just can’t and I won’t. Whoopi Goldberg is trash. She has been problematic on SSSSOOOOOOOOOOO many levels and I will NOT give her a fucking fashion pass. Let’s remember this is the woman that encouraged her then mate to come in public in blackface. When she got to The View she could not stop telling people how

This particular group of people just seem to like individuals who bilk others of their money.  He is building a wall of money for himself and his wife.

I just really love rugelach. There should be parity for punishment for criminal behavior. The Sitch and Michael Cohen are both criminals who should not be in a country clubs passing as a prison.

Varys is not only a messy bitch, but I bet the farm that he sent a raven ahead and is the very reason for the ambush. It is straight out of his playbook. Which then would be the set up for Greyworm to kill him. Remember Melisandre told Varys that he would not live to see who ascends the throne. The dynamic of a eunuch

They have rugelach. It can’t that bad.

I’m gonna have to run this through W3C

It has with me. I won’t eat Impossible products. As a 25 year vegetarian the idea truly makes me ill. My vegan friends will not touch it. I also believe they used animal testing in the development process.

Always good with some Alaga syrup.

When all the dead started coming out of the crypts....holy hell. So did Gilly meet the true death last night? Last I saw she was being dragged away.

I ask this question EVERY week. Like you, I am amazed that someone reaches out as if, MH or anyone would want to spend a nanosecond speaking to them about their insights. I think they actually believe a writer is going to say, “sure let’s meet at 23rd and 8th ave and go for coffee, I’m dying to know your take on

I only like Chipotle mayo.  Delish.

God that was weird. 

That is why I will never use them.  When I saw LDS, I was out.

This is so true. I was working on a fund raiser and I said to the Latinx man running marketing, the event collateral was not diverse and I wanted it changed. This was met with, yeah John and Chuck (two white men) mentioned that too. Sooooo, you had two other people mention this and you still went forward. I said this

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House music already addressed this in the 90s:

It’s not just FOX. I thought this Vox piece on how politics is covered like sports was really good.

Oh, that 400K Chelsea Clinton NBC contract still makes my blood boil. All these people do is feather each other’s nests.

I don’t really even think she’s that. Remember she started as a progressive of sorts and when she didn’t get any traction, she became a “conservative”. She’s a narcissist for hire. She desperately needs accolades and she gets them from the right for now. If she changed course, like Arianna Huffington and the left

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