Smove With the Roughness

Word on the street, EH came to Marathon to buy some clothing. He was known to be a snitch, so Nipsey told him to step off he wasn’t getting anything. The exchange was pretty nasty. So Holder, instead of leaving, goes to his car, gets a gun and shoots Nipsey and other people in broad daylight in front of Nipsey’s child.

A had friend who dating a white man for a while. When she told me things that he said or what gave him angst in life, it truly was like peeking into another world. I was kind of sad when they broke up because I had lost access to that perspective. 

What does that even mean?

You are exactly right. Today’s country is pop music. It has the same four producers, who I never thought until you pointed it out, are a cabal.  They certainly moved to keep this song off that chart.

My friends and I have been texting theories all weekend. I enjoyed the film and was happy to see an original script that was fairly thought provoking and not some horrible remake.

Looking forward to that blue candidate. Try your erasure somewhere else.

I try to no longer be shocked by any behavior. But truly these weekly impudent calls for Michael to engage with them (which Micheal does beautifully every week - today I teared up) is shocking to me. The thinly veiled provocations with the wringing of the hands and “why I never”, is exhausting. It’s just part and

Thank you for sharing this.

Those were the days.  We would start streaming back to our dorm rooms to see AMC.  The football players would watch as a group. 

You like Brazilian music?

Now playing

Maybe the jaguar was just a vicious ass koala bear:

I saw one of her last concerts at Calle Ocho in Miami.  Just a few weeks later she was killed.  So sad.

I used to teach abuse prevention to children and we would tell them to always trust their “Uh Oh feeling”.  Adults forget to trust the  uh oh feeling.

This shit is horrible.  But every video needs the hypeman like his friend.  

33 years and mother still KILLS it.

I love pulling it out now and again.  Enjoy!!

Look your black ass face in the mirror”

It’s true. This guy I’m talking about was know for breaking up dog fights at the park and he got bitten. He sued the woman although he was the one that interjected himself into the altercation and her home insurance paid him 50K. He went around the park showing people the check. So when he started talking trash about

This is going to be long so hold on. I had a Boston Terrier named Roscoe Dolomite, may he RIP. There was a guy who had a shepherd name Shep (the owner was not terribly creative he also had a black dog named....wait for it.....Blackie) that used to love to hump my little Boston. This would go on until Roscoe would