Smove With the Roughness

Send this post to Cummings and everyone in his office. I think I’ll actually do it. As I always say, you don’t need white people for white supremacy and this was a display of that premise on steroids.

Preckwinkle and Lightfoot sound like a folk band duo. 

If only there was such concern about consent a few years ago.

God that was delicious.

“I doubt any of these weak ass men or women could handle what we deal with in blatant and subtle ways.”

No, not a myth but I also never ordered these out. These were always the cocktail of choice at house parties. My friend’s father (rest his soul) made a mean one. I was also at a wrap party and people were having so many that the host was like, ‘nah I’m done’ and stopped mixing them. The party was over soon after.

And here we are back to the beginning.  That free tuition isn’t free.

I do blame the NBA. When your actions/talent create wealth for an institution, it is indeed work. No university allows its student athletes to fail classes and continue in programs. It’s not malarky. I just get the sense of some weird resentment on your part.

I’m from Chicago and there was year when all I consumed was Pink Squirrels.

I’m so tired of this trope that college athletes get free tuition. They don’t. They WORK for that tuition, and for large programs, bring in dollars that are not, in the end commensurate with that tuition. They are still expected to go to class, while training and traveling and playing. Staying in a hotel year round

this never gets old.


Hmmm, I live in LA is this is the most LA shit I’ve seen in a while.  

I’ve been waiting for the Root to address this issue since I saw the WaPo video. Care taking for a sick loved one is extremely difficult. Many diseases rob a spouse of their mate. My issue is that his current relationship has the distinct feeling of cheating. His daughter even mentioned when her father came to her,

When George Bush 2 was in office, I had to deal with his Ambassador to France. That guy was as dumb as a box of rocks.  He was crony of his from his Texas Rangers baseball days.

Oh, I want that trench jumpsuit.  At 497 though, hmmmmmm.

Thank you for reviewing this. I has the same thoughts. Just in general, I feel like the show has an After School Special feeling. People might disagree but I feel like Sleepy Hollow did a good job of a time traveler being introduce to modern life. When layered with a woman coming from slavery to modern times, Carmen

I’m sure you can changed that.  I was watching a favorite of mine Bordertown and it was horribly dubbed.  I went into settings changed it back to Finnish with English sub titles.

Remember this is the woman that stole drugs from the medical charity she supported and used names of employees to get prescriptions. This behavior from her is not shocking at all.

I was just going to comment on this.  The Scientology connection is beyond disturbing.