
@someone_else: No surprise. One day you'll grow up and realize the hatred and anger is just self destructive.

@someone_else: I was waiting for the guy who just read Richard Dawkins to respond.

@Slinkytech: I know I dismiss it too. I find reasons to dismiss stuff that are inconvenient to my beliefs.

@_Forsight: Probably based on their ideology.

@Slinkytech: Umm. That's not exactly true. Google doesn't take long to find one.

Why do they always show football games in a perspectives that is impossible to actually play the game in?

@4nonymo: You acted like that part ruined the game. You said "it's not alright" (sic). There was like maybe 6 logs in the whole game.

@Kuciwalker: So why couldn't I play Chromehounds without paying $50 a year?

I am excited to eventually get this game. Everyone seems to be knocking it because it is an unoriginal God of War/Zelda hybrid? How many times has that been done? I think the answer is none.

I am paying $50 a year. Does this not pay for the electricity for the three servers it requires?

@4nonymo: Sorry man. Just was playing Uncharted. If you fell off the log during those parts you seriously suck. Nathan stays in the unbalanced animation for like 5 seconds before he falls and then he just hangs on if you miss it. I always jump halfway on the log and really don't even have to do the balance thing.

Cosplay must generate a lot of hits for Kotaku. I am not into it. I don't get the nerd obsession with Japanese women. Do I have to turn it my nerd card if I find African-American women much more attractive?

I think Sony's first and second party software might do better than Microsoft's. Seems like Microsoft's developers are getting the hard push on Natal. Me personally, I couldn't care less about all the motion controlled crap and the eventual party games it will create.

I sunk a lot of hours into Medal of Honor 2 on the Wii. I dig the FPS controls of the pointer. However, FPS without the graphic beauty don't work. Part of playing FPSs is just graphics whoring.

Typical Gamestop. Ruining a good cover with three stickers. Actually three stickers is low for a Gamestop box.

It is a lot easier to identify the tough grizzled character by the smoking. If hack directors/writers didn't have this short-hand they would have to write good actual dialog that would define the character.

@MOB712: It isn't true urban culture. It is urban culture that is distilled for suburban white kids.

@grahamwest: Wow. Very interesting to hear the inside scoop.