
@tralfaz23: Street was EA. NBA Jam was Midway. I played the PS2 version of NBA Jam it was broken but not as terrible as EA Street. I am so glad the co-opted urban culture games are dead.

I am actually excited about this. I can't wait to give a "facial" to Dirk Novitski.

@O.G.: Apparently the developer saying it is very Zelda is enough for people to think it is very Zelda.

@Seth Roberson: Yeah some people hold on to games because they think it will go up in value. Less than 1% of games will retain any value. Most games will be worth less than $10 in 3 years.

Sometimes there is too much analysis of a video game. Case in point is this article. Not surprising this crap comes from an academic. Something about living in a cloistered academic world generates a lot of masturbatory writing.

Everyone knows Rock Band guitars break easily. He needs to use a Guitar Hero guitar.

Another shooter.

Pac-Man World & Xevious 3D/G+

I am digging PSP comics. I am not into collecting but I want to read comics on the road. I have found some new comics I like. There are some great free comics there.

@Fernando Jorge: "I don't understand why people get obsessed with mature content like that."

Isn't this game targeted at 12 year old boys who like video game tits and stupid gore? Maybe the ad was perfect.

I wonder, if after getting shot, the Gamestop employee asked the robber if he wanted to pre-order Halo 4.

@pandafresh: The last crappy Turok sold over a million.

This game will sell.

@wintersault: I think everyone like you has created a podcast.

@madbassman39: The two Odd world games are on the PSN.

I don't mind so many down ports. I would never play a lot of the PSP games's HD versions. Nothing like a good "B" game to fill up time while traveling. I will be buying Dante's Inferno and Army of Two on PSP and not the PS3.

@taekwondonut: The collective Internetz has changed it's opinion.

Awesome!! Day one buy. I'll confirm with the demo tho. It looks more Red Star than Contra. If it is half as awesome as Red Star, it will be awesome.