
No, neither. My father was always too much of a mess mentally (although during his drinking binges when he did not pass out, he told us a lot) and my Mom does not talk about it much. She got out with her siblings and my grandmother, Her dad died in the civil war that came after. My Dad was a real mess, his kids, me &

My Mom. My dad passed a few years ago- he lost all his brothers and sisters, and both parents. Just he got out.

1000 stars for you. As the child of two holocaust survivors, I salute you.

Racism be the mental illness. This is just all sorts of horrible.

I love Mariah Carey so much. She’s just fabulous. Fucking fabulous!

Does every fucking post have to mention DT. Can we please leave this post alone and let it stand on its own. This post is tragic enough.

Exactly. 1000% Every one of your points.

and calling two people you do not know “dickheads” is mature.

you’re an asshole who has no clue. go die. Thanks

Now that was not very compassionate. Relax Blondie. Relax.

If your heart breaks for Private Jet flying Kim getting to the side of her husband who is most certainly in a safe place, hopefully getting help, then your heart breaks easily. I have compassion for you.

? Are you for real? “your heart breaks for them” For two narcissistic spoiled self centered POS. They could care less about you, your heart or anyone else around them unless they are profiting off of them. If Kanye West is sick, I hope he gets the help he needs, just as I hope the old man at the train station this

Note i called him a douche too.. It was his kids i was sort of defending and the fact that she’s just a douche as well. Nice Gif though :-)

Fuck her. She had her day, she is going for another 5 minutes & the $. I use to like her, but this sucks. she’s out. His kids don’t need to know about a 19 year old douche hopping into the sack with their Dad (also a douche) when he was still married to their Mom. She has zero dignity. All the drugs really fucked her