That's not true. People with personality disorders often benefit from therapy, if it is the right kind of therapy.
That's not true. People with personality disorders often benefit from therapy, if it is the right kind of therapy.
I locked myself in the bathroom at work to cry today. Not going in tomorrow, too sad.
This has happened in Ireland, in the UK, in France, in Germany, in the Netherlands, in Australia...I could go on, but I won't. Also, many diocese (plural? dioceses? diocese?) argue that they can't be prosecuted in the country where the abuse happened as their base is in the Vatican, another country. This absolutely…
I understand that Amber shopped her cellulite off but that doesn't mean all moms have cellulite.
I'm sorry to hear that :( I hope you have other outlets where you can talk about your mental health issues.
I agree, this seems much less problematic. I'm just a little cautious as I haven't seen any research showing that these types of intervention have a beneficial effect, and they may even have unforeseen deleterious effects, such as making it taboo to talk about mental health or reach out for help on Facebook - though I…
Samaritans in the UK tried this with their Radar app a few weeks ago. It was universally panned before being withdrawn:
As you say, you've run into this situation before - it sounds like removing this friend won't remove the problem of getting too attached to people. I'm so sorry to hear you're feeling such scary strong emotions, they sound very painful :( I promise it's possible to get them under control, though it can be a difficult…
Hi Kayen,
It's not your fault, those people are horrendously inflexible and they would have been awful to work for. You had a limitation on your time and you let them know in advance, there's no more you could have done. *hugs*
I ate ALL MY FEELINGS over the past three days. When I counted up my calorie intake, it's three times the daily recommendation for women. I'm absurdly proud of that.
I've seen polyamory and open relationships work for a lot of people, but only when it's a mutual decision that comes from a place of curiosity and joy. I've also seen lots of couples attempt polyamory or open relationships after one says "lets sleep with other people or I leave", and I've never seen that work. It's an…
So sorry to hear this, Violets. I hope things get better for you, one way or another.
I dunno...I've been following the Gospel according to Meezer5 for almost a year now, following a breakup with a critical ex. The longer I'm independent, the less I ever want to live with a dude again.
Working as a therapist, I've known a few men who left their wives once they had breast cancer, and a few who left their wives after they had babies and didn't get skinny fast enough.
His research papers and books are pretty highly regarded internationally, so I imagine that's what got him the professorship.
If you cut me open heavy whipping cream, butter, chocolate and cheese come out.
I'm a woman and I'm also pretty uncomfortable with the non-consent/assault type pick ups described here. I get that there's a power differential between men and women so when a woman walks up and kisses a dude against his will, it may not be so threatening, but it still weirds me out.
The good news is that Dublin is small enough to explore at random, you don't have to plan much. Temple Bar food market on a Saturday morning is wonderful, and there are some interesting arty areas around there too. Don't drink in Temple Bar and get out before nightfall, it's a horrendous piece of paddywhackery, the…
Hey hockygrrl4, I just wanted to write to say I can't imagine the anger and pain you're feeling at your son right now. It sounds like you are being very boundaried and ethical with him, which is the kinder thing to do. People who love each other don't let them get away with evil shit. You don't want him to suffer, you…