Gruess Gott! Moepse sind auch schoen :)
Gruess Gott! Moepse sind auch schoen :)
Isn't common knowledge in the EU that the UK is the worst place to live?
Fun fact: The country is only technically called Eire if you're speaking in Irish, otherwise it's called the Republic of Ireland. Even in Irish, the term Eire doesn't apply to Northern Ireland.
Yes, fundie Catholics and fundie Protestants can bond over hating abortion. Isn't it sweet?
The media guidelines on reporting suicide tend to also find fault with that, as the phrase emphasises the self-directed action, which may make suicide more attractive to someone who feels helpless in their lives. It's not about what grabs me, it's about sensitively covering the topic to minimise the harm to loved ones…
Two years IS so long, and I promise it's not smelly! I've asked my family to verify it :) The fact that I don't wear it next to my skin helps though. If I were to wash it, I would handwash it in lukewarm water, gently squeeze out the excess moisture using a towel and dry it flat.
Sending you good vibes! Academia is seriously fucked up. All these intelligent people should know better, but seem to have the EQ of toddlers.
Corny as it sounds, accepting the pain can really help. Accepting it is like opening the door to it and saying "hi pain, I see you're there, you're welcome to come and sit in the corner if you like, but I'm not going to build my life around you". Meditation apps like Headspace can help, and I always like the book Full…
As a 27 year old who doesn't want kids, I know the feeling. I've recently met a guy of the same age who absolutely sees kids in his future - in every other way we're compatible and we have an amazing spark. I won't take the relationship further, as I know I want something long-term, and I don't want to give my heart…
I wouldn't take what he said too seriously. He perceives you through the lens of his own prejudices and preconceptions, he doesn't necessarily have a more objective view of you than you do. If you are worried that there is truth in what he says, ask your more honest friends if they can help you unpack what may have…
I'm the same as you, except I have a cashmere jumper that I've NEVER washed in the two years that I've had it. I don't wear it close to my skin, and I find that natural wool products (100% lambswool, merino, cashmere) are refreshed by hanging up in an airy place for a while. Hanging them up in a steamy bathroom works…
Yeah, fuck those guys. Not literally.
In Europe they are, as long as they have a signed note from their guardian saying they have permission to fly internationally and the guardian acknowledges that the airline will take no responsibility for the young person's welfare.
People don't "commit" suicide, it's not a crime. They die by suicide.
...ejaculate into a female's open sting chamber...
Glen Hansard (of Irish band the Frames) does a great cover of Cry Me a River
Like, are you a big time molly dealer? Have you dated any one in ISIS? Are you in ISIS? Are you an international art thief? Are you the best singer on your psych ward?
Exactly. The Sunday=family day structure is built for families that have a stay at home parent who does the shopping during the week.
It's not that I don't have an interest in philosophy, I come from a philosophy background myself. I don't question your knowledge of the subject, but your communication skills are poor. You asked for feedback and I volunteered it, I hope you are more reflective than your reply suggests.