
I read the first paragraph and gave up. You use many words incorrectly, far too many for me to go to the effort of rereading and subbing in more appropriate alternatives. Even if you used words correctly, your essay is borderline (I'm being charitable here) unreadable. I plugged the first paragraph into https://readabi

I think the British monarchy is an anachronism, but the amount it costs is minuscule compared to the amount of trade and tourism they bring to the country.

Generally, British public mental health services are very good, though the staff are doing their best with ever-dwindling resources and an ever-growing need for mental health services. The particular NHS Trust that she spoke at is world-class though. They get a lot of money and they support people all over the

I don't even know you, but I'm so happy for you! You are brave and awesome.

That is a wonderful story. I reckon you're definitely channelling your Irish ancestors - my unofficial family motto is "if you can't blind them with your brilliance, baffle them with your bullshit". My dad has raised me to do that from a very young age. You're an inspiration!

Congratulations on taking the huge step of coming out! How did it go?

Tegan and Sara Closer or NIN Closer? Both would be on my personal sex soundtracks, but they would be very different soundtracks and one would probably be called Hatefucking.


I lied to my boyfriend when I was 16, saying I couldn't come see him as my grandmother had died when in fact I didn't want to come see him as we had agreed to have sex for the first time that weekend and I was scared.

Now playing…Are you Irish? Because we Irish people do that abroad ALL THE TIME. Generally people ask for you do speak Irish, do some Irish dancing or do "something Irish", and drunk-brain thinks faking being able to dance the Siege of Ennis is a brilliant idea.

Nine years.

Yours is a great answer - as you say, not funny, but i imagine it resonates with a lot of people. I cannot recommend this book enough:

It was my first V-day alone in a decade too, high five! My breakup happened 11 months ago though, so this was the last of the major milestones (both birthdays, christmas, new years, anniversary) to get through. I'm so happy to be free.

Interesting question: Have you lived with someone before marriage before and would not do it again?

Yeah, when I was in school I had a friend with achondroplasia who had this done over the space of a few years. It was horrible, she was in constant pain. Her legs were broken in several places and were pinned in place, she was in a wheelchair for years. Even now, her leg bones are weaker than most other people's.

Internalised classism then? I think North Dublin accents are fine, but I find South County Dublin drawls difficult to bear. I suspect that might be reverse snobbery though.


Brilliant. I wouldn't mind, but Munster, Donegal and Connemara Irish are incredibly different too. I remember the Irish aural exam:

Newfies sound EXACTLY like people from the Irish border counties - Monaghan, Cavan etc. It's very strange!
