Congratulations on having the self-control to click away. In those situations I can't stop reading the comments, though I know it's the best thing for my mental's car crash commenting.
Congratulations on having the self-control to click away. In those situations I can't stop reading the comments, though I know it's the best thing for my mental's car crash commenting.
and people called Chris, Alex, Sam...
My categories are:
Seems like you don't have to choose between them...
Oh, is THAT it? I was wondering why they were all the exact same colour from the neck down. Third dude from the left should seriously have swept some bronzer onto his face.
Ah, I see! Cú dubh is more black hound than black dog, so it's even more appropriate to your story :)
That's dissociative identity disorder, not schizophrenia.
Many of the "Native American" people in early Westerns were Irish, I have no idea why. I've seen movies where the "Native" people are saying the Hail Mary line by line in Irish, while they're meant to be acting out planning an attack on the cowboys or some shit.
This is really interesting - what was the significance of the phrase for you in that language? People associate different things with different languages, and I hadn't thought about it until I read your comment. When I think "madra dubh" I think of being five years old and writing stories at school like "I have a dog.…
Wait, except the rosebud thing. That traumatised me and I still haven't quite forgiven this man I never met.
and it involves Irish people getting drunk to keep the monsters away! What's not to love?
Weird, I just looked up nonplussed to find out it means unperturbed in Opposite Land, AKA North America. You guys are weird.
Every new thing I read by Mark makes me love him a little bit more.
I dunno, I read an article at some point (I'm great with details) that described how Gaiman shows up in Amos' music and she shows up in his comics. I read and listen to both. I always feel Gaiman infantilises and fetishises her in his writing, and that article compounded the feeling for me.
The American eugenics movement was incredibly successful, and gave Hitler the idea for his mass sterilisation programmes and also showed him how it could be done. He felt he was taking the idea to its logical conclusion.
I see speculative fiction as not a prediction of the future, but a reflection of the concerns of the present.
The people who are taking it seriously are the ones who keep insisting that it's a reflection of reality or a pseudo-documentary.
YES, poor people and people with lower IQ tend to have more children than people who are wealthy with high IQ. Income and IQ are inextricably linked.