Ooo, tingle!

My bad. I have never seen that show. I was thinking, "I love Adam Scott, that was mean."

The film had some weird instagram filter on it, so I shoved my eyes into my ears.

This is a great rule of thumb for internet posting. Always remember:

2:35 hit me hard. It's ridiculous.

I think somewhere out west. Not California, though. Like Utah? Montana, maybe?

Oh man. This is...something. At 1:34 she says "time frame." She doesn't sing it. She says it. I don't know why but I burst out in laughter.


Awesome. Is this Photoshopped or real? It's real isn't it? I died a little inside.

I use Photoshop for my pics. I can make all the basic adjustments without making the picture look overdone. I am ignorant about everything else PHotoshop can do. I honestly didn't know you could make gifs with it.

She just doesn't have the funding for a focus group. :(

Not everyone has Photoshop; This is free. Not everyone who has Photoshop knows how to make a gif; I downloaded this and checked it out, it's pretty simple.

She'll be given an Article 15 if she's lucky. You're right, a DD by Court Martial would be kind of harsh, but she really should have known this was against the UCMJ.

They did a whole episode about this on Futurama a few years back.

Wanna learn really quick random things about a country? Go into a MacDonald's. There are different in every single country I've ever been, with different things on the menu. Really interesting.

I can't believe 14,000 of these people are going to be released into society at once.



I know what it means; I guess I misread how he used it. I didn't put the handbag thing together, I guess.

Excel formula joke. Zing! :D