Ooo, tingle!

It's like we are living in some weird alternate reality. A reality where Bush is president for 8 years. Where women who use birth control are sluts and baby killers. Where Mitt Romney is a crazy Republican. Where Rick Santorum almost won the nomination. Where Pat Robertson is advocating the legalization of Marijuana.

I wouldn't use the word "decent" to characterize her. I don't think anyone in the family is decent.

"Forget it. Women who stay at home are wonderful. Women who go to work are wonderful. Whatever."

She's like Lucille Bluth. All through the show you think it's George Bluth, but you really find out it's Lucille.

According to Arizona State law, I suppose.

I heard a study about it on NPR. One of the trends they noticed about extremely wealthy people was lack of empathy.

He was trying to lead the way.

Up to 2 weeks before conception.

Yeah I get Wheaties. They are like 6 bucks here in California.


I can't believe the worst thing they could think of to put on a sign about Mitt is: "Mitt is mean."

I must be the only person who just assumed they got married years ago and I wasn't around to hear about it. I never thought about their wonderful life together, but I just assumed they were married. I guess deciding to get married after so long is just another good sign that the relationship is still heading in a

Absolutely right. They used to use voting literacy tests that were unfair to African-Americans because the tests were different for different groups of people. Now they set voting at times when people are at work. While your boss has to let you vote, if you are a working-class by-the-hour voter, you might not vote

Want the cheapest cereal? Go to Walmart. For some reason cereal costs an arm and a leg everywhere else.

This was done to the Roma throughout the 20th century.

I was thinking behavioral studies like these— and I'm right, race wouldn't have an affect on behavior. I was not talking about cancer. I should have added that specification.

Things have definitely changed!

That would be interesting!

Yes you did! I love that show!!!!! :D