You’re right.
You’re right.
PEGOT, actually. Don’t forget that he has a Pulitzer too.
This is why I live in a densely populated area. I’ve always been afraid of strangers lurking in the woods or vast open spaces, which is ridiculous as a small country town is probably a lot safer than where I live!
My cousin lives in a small town and gave birth to her 4th child at a catholic hospital. She was giving birth via scheduled c-section and wanted to have her tubes tied at the same time as she was done having children. The hospital denied her request because sterilization was against the beliefs of the Catholic Church.…
I only hadn’t read the email submission (obvi), the cat’s paw, and the fixer upper.
This is totally a thing - I even read an article once that dubbed this cat behavior “poo-phoria.”
These stories make me so glad we have an alarm, especially since we have French doors to the back patio in our bedroom.
We got a bed with storage drawers underneath it. We mostly were interested in it because it prevents our cats from getting under the bed and for the storage, but preventing humans from crawling under there is also a plus.
Holy shit.
Same. I saw oily legs at first, but once I looked again after reading that paint was an option, I saw the paint. Now each time I look, I only see paint.
This. I, too, was confused that Emma Watson signed on to be a part of this. So much wrong with the Beauty and the Beast story.
I’m 12 weeks pregnant, and I see these pictures and want to spend my life savings on baby knee socks. Note to self: do not read articles about/view pictures of baby royals whilst pregnant and wildly hormonal.
This story warms my heart!
I really hope you are wrong. I thought Hillary killed it! I’m trying to remain hopeful that these debates will bring back the momentum that followed the DNC.
Next time, have a drink for me. Being pregnant during this election is the worst.
I had that poem read at my wedding. But I got married in San Francisco and live in Oakland so totally not a hips... Errr, never mind.
Sad if the latter part is true.
Not to mention the fact that equating sexual integrity with abstinence makes a value judgment against other sexual choices by implying that those who are not celibate lack integrity. If making value judgments against the the sexual choices of others isn’t anti-feminist, then I don’t know what is.