
When Harry Met Sally is one of my all-time favorites! It’s Mr. Frida’s favorite too. We met online (OKCupid). I wrote him first and used the fact that he had listed When Harry Met Sally as a favorite movie as my ice-breaker. We’ve watched the movie together numerous times, as it is now “our movie.” Our first dance at

This is all too much. #TeamSquigglySideUp

I knew about pockets and vents sewn shut but always assumed the thread belt loops on dresses were meant to stay.

Aw she's so cute! My cats are Elliot (the dapper one in the tie) and Beatrice (the cute little calico).

Please say more!

I love this. I've written some very interesting passages in my journal while drunk as well.

I have this same problem too. I also get incredibly excited and want nothing more than to dance. My best drunken nights involve a DJ who will play all 23 songs I will request. When I drink, I need my jams. There is one caveat, there is a thin line between happy, dancing drunk Frida, and sad I hate my thighs, why

These are my cats, btw.

Aw thanks! I like to think that we are!

I agree. I was 13 when it came out, and my older sister and I ended up watching it after it came out on video when our parents were out of town. I was fairly naive at that age and what my grandma called a “late bloomer” so it was pretty shocking and sad to me when I saw it.

I like you! The real deal is worth it.

Maybe that's true for some people, but I don't think you can generalize based on age like that. I met my husband a couple months after I turned 31, and I had been living alone for five years before I met him. Yet, moving in together and fully morphing into one of those lovey-dovey couples who never a gets tired of

I got married in March, four days before I turned 33. Mr. Frida turned 33 five weeks after our wedding. Our wedding was also big, fabulous party. Good thing I don't put much stock in studies like these because Mr. Frida and I are staying together forever!

Happy to help :)

You have not read that correctly, unfortunately. Go Set a Watchman was written before TKAM, but it is set when Scout is an adult, with flashbacks to her childhood. Lee’s editors told Lee to rewrite GSAW, focusing on Scout’s childhood. The result two years later was TKAM.

I wish America could be pro-kitten instead of pro-gun. I think I would be much more patriotic.

that is fucked up!

But, that one is white, and her dress is ivory. So maybe no ivory left?

This is the kind of hard hitting journalism that I love and respect. Keep fighting the good fight, just not against that kangaroo. That bro is JACKED.

This story makes me wonder what ever happened to Octomom?