
Sanders shot back: “It’s not a business!”

Fuck off with the anti-Semitism, and don’t come back.

and there is the antisemitism

It’s an interference penalty, but not much more than that. The reason Wilson got himself concussed is that he clearly did not have his helmet on properly, so his head banged against some solid ice.

Shoutout to the three readers who flagged this comment as offensive.

yes - later after it was pointed out to you. clearly wasn't your initial position. if it was, your statements about her being educated in iran wouldn't have made any sense. anyway, who cares. i think we both agree that this tweet was a step in the right direction, but the fight is far from over.

She was educated there, to undergraduate degree level. She came to the US for her post graduate studies. She also lists her citizenship as Iranian on her cv:

She also went to one of the best universities in Iran and she didn't move to the US until after 2004 for graduate work and before she moved to US she won a lot of awards. So she was allowed to be educated in Iran.

Look at it this way - Ahmadinejad never would have done it. It's still a public statement by the president of Iran.

Isn't it the post by the Iranian President that is brave?

Stralman had some big hits BUT he gave LA life with a 2-0 lead. Watch that first goal again ,I think he sits on both knees for a five count... right out of a squirt game. Then you see the oh sh*t moment when he realizes its the Cup Finals; too late. I knew the Ranger D was their Achilles heel in this series & if

As an immigrant to America I have never really understood the whole French hate that Americans have. I know for some it's just playing around, but for many is a playful form of xenophobia. Some will say that the French are ungrateful for what America did for them in WWII, but if you really talk to French people about