
Ronald Reagan and his deliberate destruction of the U.S. educational system. 

How about we let the Iranians launch a cruise missile into Mar-a-Lago and call it even. 

I quite literally write, in the opening paragraph: “She is neither married to Phillippe or responsible for him.” She is in both the cover image and in the bulk of the article, however, because her inclusion in the lawsuit, and Hewitt’s belief she has evidence to prove guilt, defined significant portions of the legal

Not that I agree with the defense of Paterno or more horrifically, Sandusky, but I think the point is, when presented with a situation that so runs afoul of your preconceived notions of a person, ie, your friend of 30 years is a child rapist, you will generally operate under the premise that your friend is telling the

Careless use of incredibly toxic pesticides makes worlds more sense than a super secret James Bond weapon and it’s right in line with what’s been happening to people visiting Dominican Republic and being exposed to similar chemicals there.

Fun fact about Gladwell, he cut his ‘journalistic’ teeth writing press releases for Big Tobacco, questioning the science behind the determination that it causes cancer and slandering the people suing tobacco companies.

They don’t hire insightful thinkers with a burning urge to speak truth to power for those positions.

Exactly right Gladwell’s premise is that you automatically believe the accused and not the victims. Which is insanity. His stupid fucking pet theory doesn’t even remotely apply here. 

At that time it would have been a club hockey game which maybe would have had a few dozen people in attendance at a shitty rec center near the football practice center. The concert is far enough away from the football building that the part of campus approaching the football building would have reasonably been

McQueary did lose his job, his wife/family, and his career. He sued Penn State and won a giant payout, but only after he was forced financially to move back in with his parents because he was broke from the divorce and not having a job.

Not going to police makes sense from his point of view simply because in a big-time college football program, everything goes through the coach/AD and embarrassing the program by going directly to the police instead of letting higher ups handle it could well have jeopardized his career. That’s obviously not a great

And beyond your joke, it’s also probable that the campus would seem deserted if people were inside those arenas and not walking around when McQueary stepped outside.

Add to that McQueary was legitimately afraid of not only losing his job but also his entire career. If he was blackballed by Penn State, may as well go get that teaching certificate. Telling Paterno was a huge risk on his part. Completely agree that Gladwell is the lowest form of life for rehashing a settled matter,

He wonders why McQueary remembers the campus as being deserted on the night he says he witnessed the assault (Feb. 9, 2001), even though there was a hockey game and a Barenaked Ladies concert on campus that night.

To be fair, I think we should withhold judgement and run that experiment just to be sure.

There’s a very simple reason why McQueary didn’t go to the cops right away: sometimes when we see things that go against our pre-existing beliefs, our brains work their asses off to come up with reasoning. McQueary respected Sandusky as a football coach and seeing him rape a child was outside of what he expected. So

$50K? This just validates that me and my friends should have started that christian “rock” band in college.

He’s just jealous that the California Assembly successfully passed something.

Let’s be clear, we all know on the list of Tebow’s skills “not fucking” is well above “sports.”

“It’s not about me. It’s about we and supporting that university that I love and I went to. But now it’s not about US and WE it’s about me. And I know we live in a selfish culture where it’s all about us, but we’re just adding and piling on to that.”

OH? Go on, please....