
Funny, i would think most woman would want to be breaking out of Chris Brown’s house.

I want to un-celebrity Chris Brown.

This sounds like something Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer would say.

That's actually just chocolate. See? Wipes right off.

What you are talking about and the Sofia Vergara/Nick Loeb situation are totally different. Nobody is pregnant in their case. The fight is over what to do with two frozen embryos that they both signed a contract not to touch. Nick Loeb is now trying to back out of that.

Single parenthood really isn’t stigmatized for men, first of all. We demonize single mothers, but we treat single fathers like heroes.

Ablow is perhaps the most reprehensible person on Fox, and that is quite the accomplishment. In Ablow’s frightening world, men retain control over women to the point of “vetoing” medical decisions.

Somehow I doubt any woman would shed tears over being cheated out of incubating your spawn, MRA troll.

I don’t know man, the idea that women aren’t property is pretty crazy

“Doctor” Ablow is the worst garbage human pretending to be a doctor on this green earth, and this universe also contains a “doctor” Oz, so that’s really saying something. I’m incapable of directly wishing harm on anyone, but if he were to accidentally fall into an active volcano I wouldn’t exactly be clawing the

This guy, amirite?

I wanna VETO this guy’s mug with a crow bar. STFU already, as swipe.

I think the answer is "being a sour-puss" on the internet.

Hahahahahahaha no.

HBONow allows you to watch it via a browser. I’m watching Inherent Vice on my 50” plasma right now.

And of course...

Science provides you guys with over 90% of what you know. You’re welcome. Without science you’d all be back to building the Pyramids or triremes.

I laughed out loud when I read this in the middle of teaching class this morning. My students didn’t find it nearly as funny.